Предмет: Английский язык, автор: morozmakar99

Think your favourite athletes crim your country. Make notes under the headings: Name-where from - Sport. Use your notes to prepare a poster or a PowerPoint presentation. Use images. Present it to the class.


Автор ответа: ILieNoha

Certainly! Here's a sample presentation with notes for your poster or PowerPoint presentation about your favorite athletes from your country:

**Slide 1: Title Slide**

- Title: "Favorite Athletes from [Your Country]"

- Subtitle: "Celebrating Sporting Excellence"

- Your Name

- [Image of your country's flag]

**Slide 2: Introduction**

- Briefly introduce the purpose of the presentation.

- Mention that you will be highlighting your favorite athletes from your country.

**Slide 3: Athlete 1 - [Name]**

- Image: A high-quality photo of the athlete in action.

- Name: [Full name of the athlete]

- Where From: [Hometown or region of the athlete]

- Sport: [The sport they excel in]

- A brief description of their achievements and impact on the sport.

**Slide 4: Athlete 2 - [Name]**

- Image: A high-quality photo of the athlete in action.

- Name: [Full name of the athlete]

- Where From: [Hometown or region of the athlete]

- Sport: [The sport they excel in]

- A brief description of their achievements and impact on the sport.

**Slide 5: Athlete 3 - [Name]**

- Image: A high-quality photo of the athlete in action.

- Name: [Full name of the athlete]

- Where From: [Hometown or region of the athlete]

- Sport: [The sport they excel in]

- A brief description of their achievements and impact on the sport.

**Slide 6: Athlete 4 - [Name]**

- Image: A high-quality photo of the athlete in action.

- Name: [Full name of the athlete]

- Where From: [Hometown or region of the athlete]

- Sport: [The sport they excel in]

- A brief description of their achievements and impact on the sport.

**Slide 7: Conclusion**

- Summarize the key points of your presentation.

- Express your admiration for these athletes and their contributions to sports in your country.

**Slide 8: Q&A**

- Invite the class to ask questions about the athletes or your presentation.

**Slide 9: Thank You**

- Thank your classmates and teacher for their attention.

Remember to include captivating images, and if you can find any quotes or interesting anecdotes about these athletes, that would make your presentation even more engaging. Also, provide any interesting statistics or records they may hold. Good luck with your presentation!

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