IV. Fill in the gaps using the modal verbs Must, mustn't, have to, don't have to, need, needn't. 1. If a student breaks a school rule, he /she... to stay at school after lessons to meet with the headmaster. 2. Students...come to class late. 3. We... hurry, we are early. 4. This is a private school, so the students... to wear their uniforms at all times. 5. Students... stay at school during lunch break, they can go out.
1. If a student breaks a school rule, he /she has to stay at school after lessons to meet with the headmaster.
2. Students mustn't come to class late.
3. We needn't hurry, we are early.
4. This is a private school, so the students don't have to wear their uniforms at all times.
5. Students needn't stay at school during lunch break, they can go out.
1. Если ученик нарушает школьные правила, он должен остаться в школе после уроков, чтобы встретиться с директором.
2. Учащиеся не должны опаздывать на занятия.
3. Нам не нужно торопиться, мы пришли рано.
4. Это частная школа, поэтому ученикам не обязательно постоянно носить форму.
5. Ученикам не обязательно оставаться в школе во время обеденного перерыва, они могут выходить на улицу.