Предмет: Английский язык, автор: neligrysk


85.1 Answer these questions with none (of)/no-one/nobody/nothing/nowhere. Example: What did you do? Nothing.

1. Where are you going?
2. How many children has he got?
3. What did you tell them?
4. Who were you talking to?
5. How much of this money is yours?

Now write answers to these questions with any/anyone/anybody/anything/anywhere. Example: 'What did you do?" 'I didn't do anything'

6. 'Where are you going?' 'I .....'
7. 'How many children have they got?' 'They.....'
8. 'Who did you dance with?' 'I.....'
9. 'What did they give you?' '.....'

85.2 Complete these sentences with no/none/no-one/nobody/nothing/nowhere/any/anyone/anybody/anything/anywhere.
Examples: There were .no. shops open. I don't want .anything. to eat.

1. The bus was completely empty. There wasn't ...... on it
2. 'Where did you go for your holidays?' '........ . I stayed at home.'
3. I couldn't make an omelette because I had ....... eggs.
4. I didn't say ...... . Not a word.
5. The accident looked serious but fortunately ....... was injured.
6. The town was still the same when I returned years later..... had changed
7. We took a few photographs but ...... of them were very good.
8. I can't find my watch ....... . I've looked all over the house.
9. 'What did you have for breakfast?" '........ . I don't usually have for ........ breakfast.'
10. We cancelled the party because ........... of the people we invited could come.
11. '..........' intelligent person could do such a stupid thing.
12. There was complete silence in the room. '.........' said '........'
13. 'How many cinemas arc there in this town?' '........... . The last one closed six months ago."
14. The four of us wanted to go to a restaurant but we couldn't because ........... of us had money.

85.3 Now you have to make sentences with any/no + a comparative. Example: I hear you weren't feeling well yesterday. Do you feel any better ... today?
1. I'm going as fast as I can. I can't go .............. .
2. What makes you think Harry is old? He is ............ than you .
3. I'm sorry I've come a bit late but I couldn't come ........... .
4. This restaurant is a bit expensive. Is the other one ........... .
5. I must stop for a rest. I can't walk .......... .​


Автор ответа: mishasokotun


Sure, here are the answers:

85.1 Answers with "any/anyone/anybody/anything/anywhere":

6. 'Where are you going?' 'I can go anywhere.'

7. 'How many children have they got?' 'They have none.'

8. 'Who did you dance with?' 'I didn't dance with anyone.'

9. 'What did they give you?' 'They didn't give me anything.'

85.2 Complete the sentences:

1. The bus was completely empty. There wasn't anyone on it.

2. 'Where did you go for your holidays?' 'Nowhere. I stayed at home.'

3. I couldn't make an omelette because I had no eggs.

4. I didn't say anything. Not a word.

5. The accident looked serious but fortunately, no one was injured.

6. The town was still the same when I returned years later. Nothing had changed.

7. We took a few photographs but none of them were very good.

8. I can't find my watch anywhere. I've looked all over the house.

9. 'What did you have for breakfast?" 'Anything. I don't usually have anything for breakfast.'

10. We canceled the party because none of the people we invited could come.

11. 'No intelligent person could do such a stupid thing.'

12. There was complete silence in the room. No one said anything.

13. 'How many cinemas are there in this town?' 'None. The last one closed six months ago.'

14. The four of us wanted to go to a restaurant but we couldn't because none of us had money.

85.3 Sentences with "any/no + a comparative":

1. I'm going as fast as I can. I can't go any faster today.

2. What makes you think Harry is old? He is older than you.

3. I'm sorry I've come a bit late but I couldn't come any earlier.

4. This restaurant is a bit expensive. Is the other one any cheaper?

5. I must stop for a rest. I can't walk any farther.

neligrysk: дякую!
nunusnunu17: это точно ?
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