Предмет: Українська мова, автор: anagarkusa144

Списати текст. Розібрати за будовою дієслова та іменники на вивчені напередодні орфограми. Принесли хліб. На столі поклали. Пахучий, теплий ще. І з шкоринкою золотавою. Це від вогню позолота в нього. Та не тільки від вогню. Золоте зерно на борошно мололи. А зерно в золотому колоску на стеблині золоченій гойдалося, срібною росою вмивалося. Золоте проміння сонячне в себе увібрало. Від сонця позолота в хліба. Та чи тільки від нього? Золоті роботящі руки зерно у ріллю посіяли. Урожай доглянули й зібрали. Роботящі руки зерно змололи, тісто замісили, хліб спекли. Роботящі руки в дім його принесли, на вишивану скатертину поклали. 1 лежить на столі хліб, пахучий, руками роботящими подарований.​


Автор ответа: remontevroremeont



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Помогите с английским пожалуйста, очень нужно!!! 1. Put the verb in the right form (Present, Past, Future) 1. She (to help) mother yesterday? 2. I (to go) to school every day. 3. What you usually (to do) in the evening? 4. Tomorrow Mary with her friends (to visit) a gallery. 5. She (to be) so happy last summer. 6. He (to break) a table but (to build) new last week. 7. I (to like) eat sweets every day. 8. Jack (to be) very nice and (to buy) his girlfriend flowers. 9. They (to spend) next summer together? 10. We (not to want) go to school yesterday. 2. Translate. 1. Ты можешь узнать из Интернета много интересной и полезной информации. 2. Компьютерная сеть каждому дают возможность ознакомиться со множеством доступных для всех веб сайтов. 3. Обработка и хранение информации это функции современного компьютера. 4. Выборы нужны для коммуникации общества и правительства. 5. Обмен взглядами и мнениями важен для решения проблем общества. 3. read and translate the underlined words Many say the first computer is the "difference engine." The first of these devices was conceived in 1786 by J.H. Müller. It was never built. Difference engines were forgotten and then rediscovered in 1822 by Englishman Charles Babbage..who is known as "the father of the Computer". This machine used the decimal numbers system and was powered by cranking a handle. The British government first financed the project but then later cut off support. Babbage went on to design his much more general analytical engine but later returned and produced an improved design (his "Difference Engine No. 2") between 1834 and 1869. Others point out that this is the first ELECTRONIC computer. The earliest computer known is the Antikythera Machine, a mechanical device that computed the positions of the astrological signs on any given date, past or future. It was discovered in an ancient shipwreck in the Mediterranean Sea and dates to approximately 250 BC. The designer/builder is not known, but because of its similarity to other mechanical devices known to have been designed by Archimedes, it is probably his work. Still others will say the abacus is the first computer. They were invented by the Chinese between 2600 BC and 300 BC is considered as the first computer ever. Abacus was used by the merchants and Clerks in China. 4. answer the questions 1. What do people say about the first engine? 2. When was the first device conceived? 3. Who is the father of computer? 4. What can you say about Babbage’s machine? 5. What do you know about Antikythera ‘s creator? 6. When was created the abacus?