Предмет: Биология, автор: zhankeldibanu

1. А микрофотографияда бейнеленген нысандар жасушаларының пі- шіндері бойынша бактериялардын кандай типтеріне жатады?


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Read the passage below to learn about the history of Halloween in the United States, then answer the questions on the next page.

Halloween is one of the most popular holidays in the United States. On October 31st, kids and adults dress up in costumes, gol trick-or-treating, and attend Halloween parties. But do you know where Halloween actually comes from and why we celebrate it the way we do?

A long time ago, the holiday was known as Samhain (pronounced "sow-in"). It was celebrated by the Celts, who lived over 2,000 years ago in what is now Ireland, the United Kingdom, and northern France. Samhain marked the end of the summer season and the beginning of winter. People believed that on this day, the veil between the world of the living and the world of the dead became thin. They thought that spirits could roam the earth and cause problems, like damage crops.

To protect themselves, the Celts lit big bonfires and wore costumes made of animal skins. They believed the costumes would trick the spirits into thinking they were animals and leave them alone. Today, you can see how this ancient tradition has transformed into the modern practice of wearing costumes.

When people from Europe, including the Celts, moved to America, they brought their traditions with them. Over time, Halloween evolved. The animal-skin costumes turned into the kinds of costumes we wear today, like superheroes or cartoon characters. Trick-or-treating became popular in the 20th century. Kids go from house to house, asking for candy by saying "Trick or treat!" The idea is that you give them a treat, or they'll play a trick on you! *

Today, Halloween is a big deal. People decorate their homes with pumpkins, skeletons, and cobwebs. Some people even set up haunted houses for others to walk through. It's a time for scares, but also a time for fun, candy, and spending time with friends and family.​
Предмет: Математика, автор: alibekisaev706