Match these adjectives with the questions
model untidy-9
1 untidy 5 reserved 9 hard-working
2 optimistic 6 shy 10 cheerful
3 social 7 lazy 11sensitive
4 talkative 8 generous 12 reliable
1. What is the opposite of neat and organized? - untidy
2. What is the opposite of pessimistic? - optimistic
3. What describes someone who enjoys being around others? - social
4. What describes someone who likes to talk a lot? - talkative
5. What describes someone who keeps to themselves? - reserved
6. What describes someone who is hesitant to interact with others? - shy
7. What describes someone who lacks motivation? - lazy
8. What describes someone who is willing to share and give to others? - generous
9. What describes someone who works hard? - hard-working
10. What describes someone who is happy and positive? - cheerful
11. What describes someone who is easily affected by emotions or situations? - sensitive
12. What describes someone who can be trusted and dependable? - reliable.