поможітььььь прошуууу

На выбор, выбираете предложения и пишете.
1. I really enjoy fishing on the weekends.
2. Going to the cinema is one of my favorite pastimes.
3. I love to go horse riding in the countryside.
4. Watching DVDs is a relaxing way to spend my evenings.
5. Playing tennis is a sport I'm passionate about.
6. I have a great time playing football with my friends.
7. I'm a fan of playing computer games in my free time.
1. I'm not a fan of fishing; it's just not my thing.
2. Going to the cinema doesn't interest me much.
3. I don't really enjoy horse riding; it makes me nervous.
4. I'd rather not watch DVDs; I prefer streaming services.
5. Tennis isn't my cup of tea; I find it a bit boring.
6. I'm not into football; I prefer other sports.
7. I don't like playing computer games; they're not my style.