Answer the questions in writing. What kind of greeting is more common in your country, hugs or handshake? What kind of greeting is more popular among boys? How do you usually greet other people? What other kinds of greetings do you know?
Ответ :
In Russia, handshakes are more common as a traditional form of greeting, especially in formal settings and when meeting someone for the first time. However, similar to other countries, the preference for greetings can vary based on personal preferences, regional customs, and the nature of the relationship.
Handshakes are generally popular among both boys and girls, and they are considered a standard and respectful way to greet someone in professional and social contexts. It's a neutral and widely accepted form of greeting.
In informal or close settings, such as among friends and family, hugs and cheek kisses are more common, especially among younger generations. Hugs and cheek kisses are often seen as warmer and more affectionate greetings.
I personally use handshakes in formal situations and among acquaintances, and I use hugs or cheek kisses among friends and family.
Other forms of greetings known in Russia include:
1. Здравствуйте (Zdravstvuyte) - This is the standard Russian greeting when meeting someone for the first time or in a formal setting. It's equivalent to Hello in English.
2. Привет (Privet) - A friendly and informal way to say Hi or Hello when meeting friends or acquaintances.
3. Доброе утро (Dobroe utro) - Means Good morning and is used in the morning as a greeting.
4. Добрый вечер (Dobry vecher) - Means "Good evening" and is used in the evening as a greeting.
5. Здравствуйте, как дела? (Zdravstvuyte, kak dela?) -A common way to greet someone with the added question How are you?
6. Здорово (Zdorovo) - A slang expression similar to cool or awesome, often used informally among friends.
Ultimately, the choice of greeting in Russia, as in other countries, depends on the context and the level of familiarity with the person you are meeting.
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