складіть 13 речень на англійському на тему "для чого люди вивчають англійську мову"
1. People study English to enhance their career opportunities in a global job market.
2. Learning English allows individuals to communicate with people from diverse cultures.
3. English is the international language of business, making it crucial for entrepreneurs and professionals.
4. English proficiency is often a requirement for admission to universities and educational institutions worldwide.
5. Many people learn English to access a vast amount of information and resources available online.
6. English is the primary language of international travel, making it essential for tourists.
7. Learning English can boost one's self-confidence and independence when navigating foreign countries.
8. English is the language of diplomacy and international relations, making it important for diplomats and policymakers.
9. English is the medium for accessing a wide range of literature, including classic novels and academic texts.
10. People study English to participate in global forums and discussions on various topics.
11. English proficiency opens doors to job opportunities in multinational corporations.
12. Learning English can foster cultural exchange and understanding between people from different backgrounds.
13. Many people study English simply because it's a fun and rewarding language to learn.