Напишіть про свої плани на цей навчальний рік.
Чому цей навчальний рік для вас важливий? Які у вас завдання на цей рік?(9 клас)
Що для вас означає бути «хорошим учнем»?
Які якості вам потрібно розвинути в собі?
Що тобі подобається в школі, в якій ти навчаєшся: приміщення, вчителі, навчальні предмети тощо?
будь ласка допоможіть
In this academic year, I have a lot of plans and ambitions. Firstly, this year is important to me because I'm already in the 9th grade, and it's the last year before moving on to high school. I aim to make it productive and successful.
My goals for this year include preparing for important exams and assessments that will impact my future. I also strive to improve my critical thinking, communication, and teamwork skills.
Being a "good student" to me means not only getting high grades but also being an active, goal-oriented, and responsible participant in the learning process. It also involves showing respect to teachers and fellow students and the ability to learn from my mistakes.
I aim to develop qualities such as self-discipline, organizational skills, and effective time management. These skills will not only benefit me in school but also in real life and future education.
I like my school for several reasons. Firstly, we have excellent teachers who are always ready to help and inspire us to learn. Additionally, the subjects we study are interesting and diverse, making learning enjoyable. Moreover, our school has modern facilities and access to various resources, which facilitates our education.
This academic year is significant for me as it represents a crucial step toward achieving my goals and preparing for the future. I look forward to the new challenges and opportunities it will bring.