впр1 з'єднати між собою словосполучення та вставити їх у речення впр.2

go on day trips - совершать однодневные поездки
book an accommodation - бронировать размеще
read guidebooks - читать путеводители
buy souvenirs - покупать сувениры
go sightseeing - осматривать достопримечательности
pack suitcase - паковать чемодан
make plans - строить планы
try local dishes - пробовать местные блюда
a) When you visit me here in London, we will go sightseeing.
b) He wants to go on day trips around France.
c) If you wish to book an accommodation in the hotel, please write details in the field ("Your message").
d) You didn't read guidebooks about my country before our traveling.
e) Maybe I can make plans for a year from now.
f) In our café, we can try local dishes.
g) Bill, pack suitcase please, a taxi is already waiting for us.
h) I like to buy souvenirs for my parents from different countries.