Надо составить семь предложений на тему лета и ответы на них.И также чтобы в них присутствовали новые слова такие как palace,mansion,mobile home,expensive house,city house,castle,country house.Пожалуйста срочно даю 100 баллов!!!!
1. During the summer vacation, we plan to visit a castle in France.
Response: Yes, we are planning to visit a castle in France.
2. In the summer, we always rent a beach house for our vacations.
Response: Yes, we have a beach house for summer vacations.
3. My friend lives in a huge mansion in the mountains.
Response: Yes, his house is a real mansion in the mountains.
4. Our neighbors just bought an expensive house in the city center.
Response: Yes, they acquired an expensive house in the city center.
5. During the summer, we prefer spending time in a country house away from the city noise.
Response: Yes, our country house is the perfect summer getaway.
6. Many people in our city choose to live in mobile homes on the coast.
Response: Yes, many in our city opt for mobile homes on the coast.
7. He dreams of buying a palace in some exotic country.
Response: Yes, his dream is to purchase a palace in an exotic country.
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