Предмет: Математика, автор: 924302009

5. Ввод числа.
Введи цифрами число "две целых и две десятых"


Автор ответа: Amalgamma143

Ну вот так как то


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Задание 3. Прочитайте текст.
№ 1. Выпишите из текста глаголы в прошедшем времени (не менее 10 глаголов).
№ 2. Выпишите существительные во множественном числе (не менее 15 слов).
EGYPTIAN PYRAMIDS Architecture is the art which makes buildings beautiful to look at as well as useful. A manwho designs (проектировать) buildings and makes the plans for them is called an architect. Hehas to think not only of what he wants the building to look like when it is finished, but also whatit is to be used for. He must not forget the sort of material to be used in the building. This may bestone, brick, wood or steel and concrete (бетон). There have been many different styles or kinds of architecture in the past and there aremany different styles today in different parts of the world. The oldest monuments which aremet within architecture are the colossal pyramids of Egypt most of which were constructed about6,000 years ago. The pyramids are large triangular (треугольный) buildings which were placed over thetombs (могила) of Egyptian kings. The best known of the pyramids are a group of three built atGiza south of Cairo. The largest of these is 482 feet high. They tell us of the advancedcivilization of ancient Egypt which is much spoken about even in our days. It was a countrywhich had expert mathematicians and engineers, where astronomy and philosophy were knownand studied. The country was rich in hard and durable (прочный) stone, but poor in timber(лесоматериалы) and metal, so that the main material used for construction was granite, and thiswas the reason for the durability of the pyramids. Large blocks of stone were transported over long distances by land and water, and placedinto position with the help of the most primitive equipment. That was done by slaves (рабы)working for thirty or forty years. All this great amount of work was done, masses of materialand a large territory sometimes of about 52,000 square meters were used, only for protectingthe body of a dead king and constructing a dwelling place (жилье) for his happy life in the"other world".