22. when water …(freeze), it turns into ice
Ответ: 0, 1, 2, 3 Conditionals
6. If I won the competition, I would be excited. 2
7. If a baby is hungry, it cries. 0
11. If she hadn't called Michael, he would have left. 3
12. We would have cleaner air to breathe if we would stop using chemicals. 2
13. If I were you I would see the doctor. 2
14. The boy would have cried if he had fallen off the bike. 3
15. If he has any questions, he can call his teacher. 1 /0
16. If he had a dog, he would not feel lonely. 2
17. She wouldn't have cried if you hadn't hit her. 3
19. If I were you I wouldn't buy this T-shirt. 2
20. Unless he studies harder, he won't get good marks. 1
21. If I hadn't taken that bus, I wouldn't have met my friend. 3
6, 7, 14 - с ошибками
В 7 "it" относится к слову baby = малыш, детёныш
*Zero Conditional (условное нулевого типа) – выражает общие истины, природные и научные факты, правила или часто повторяемые события, которые стали правилом. В этих предложениях всегда используется время Present Simple как в главном, так и в придаточном предложениях.
**First Conditional (условное 1-го типа) – выражает реальную или очень вероятную ситуацию в настоящем или будущем.
If + Present Simple, Future simple. В главной части вместо Future simple можем использовать модальный глагол + смысловой.
***Правило на 2, 3 Conditional смотрите ниже.