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1Skipping lessons.
More teens skipping lessons in school.I think its wery bad! to be in danger while they are in classes where they should be now, because their parents send them there and trust the teachers under whose supervision they are supposed to be. In addition, they will not know the topics that were covered in those lessons that they missed and this will interfere with future studies. I am against skipping classes.
wearing a uniform.
Wearing a school uniform is useful for children. I believe that being in neat clothes, even if you wear a certain uniform, is very good. School uniforms help to maintain order and school even better, girls' hair is neatly braided and does not interfere with work in lessons by falling on the desk.I like school uniforms!
Playing sport at school.
playing sports at school is extremely cool! At school, you can play football, tennis, chess... Many games can be played in the fresh air, and you can develop your muscles, as well as breathe air and rest physically! Sports at school are cool, I support sports , but the main thing is not to forget what you are doing at school and to give it all the time to sports. The main thing is to be able to allocate time correctly.