Task 8 (12 points).
Open the brackets and put the verbs into the 0, 1 or 2 Conditional.
1 If Dave_______________ (revise) the topics, he _______________ (get) a good mark.
2 When it _______________ (be) warm and sunny, I _______________ (walk) in the park.
3 If you _______________ (heat) the ice, it _______________ (melt).
4 When you _______________ (come), we _______________ (go) to the theatre.
5 If you _______________ (multiply) 3 by 5, you _______________ (get) 15.
6 If I _______________ (be) an engineer, I _______________ (design) your house.
1 If Dave revises the topics, he will get a good mark. 1
2 When it is warm and sunny, I walk in the park. Подчинённое времени.
3 If you heat the ice, it melts. 0
4 When you come, we will go to the theatre. Подчинённое времени.
5 If you multiply 3 by 5, you get 15. 0
6 If I were an engineer, I would design your house. 2
1 Если Дэйв подготовится по темам, он получит хорошую отметку. 1
2 Когда тепло и солнечно, я гуляю в парке. Подчинённое времени.
3 Если вы нагреваете лед, он тает. 0
4 Когда ты придешь, мы пойдем в театр. Подчинённое времени.
5 Если вы умножаете 3 на 5, то получаете 15. 0
6 Если бы я был инженером, я бы спроектировал ваш дом. 2

The three types of conditionals mentioned are:
- 0 Conditional (general truths or scientific facts): If + Present Simple, Present Simple.
- 1 Conditional (real and possible situations): If + Present Simple, Future Simple.
- 2 Conditional (unreal or imaginary situations): If + Past Simple, would + verb.
Given this, here's the completion of the sentences:
1. If Dave **revises** (Present Simple - 1 Conditional) the topics, he **will get** (Future Simple - 1 Conditional) a good mark.
2. When it **is** (Present Simple - 0 Conditional) warm and sunny, I **walk** (Present Simple - 0 Conditional) in the park.
3. If you **heat** (Present Simple - 0 Conditional) the ice, it **melts** (Present Simple - 0 Conditional).
4. When you **come** (Present Simple - 1 Conditional), we **will go** (Future Simple - 1 Conditional) to the theatre.
5. If you **multiply** (Present Simple - 0 Conditional) 3 by 5, you **get** (Present Simple - 0 Conditional) 15.
6. If I **were** (Past Simple - 2 Conditional) an engineer, I **would design** (would + verb - 2 Conditional) your house.
Note: The 2nd Conditional often uses "were" for all subjects (including I, he, she, it) instead of "was" for a more formal, grammatically traditional structure.