1) Вставьте правильное слово. Переведите.
This ___ is difficult.
a) problems;
b) task.
These ___ are her friends.
a) women;
b) man.
What are you doing ___ morning?
a) that;
b) this.
Who's ___ speaking?
a) this;
b) it.
These are my jeans and ___ are yours.
a) those;
b) that.
We are going to the mountains ___ winter.
a) that;
b) this.
___ man over there is a famous actor.
a) That;
b) These.
2) Поставьте слова в предложениях во множественное число. Переведите.
This is an animal.
Is that also an animal? — No, it isn’t. That is a bird.
Is that a good dog? — Yes, it is.
Is that sheep big or small? — It is big.
This is an orange and that is a box.
Where is that wallet? — That is in the bag.
What colour is this wardrobe? — This wardrobe is green.
Пожалуйста, очень срочно!!!!
This task is difficult. (Це завдання складне.)
b) These women are her friends. (Ці жінки - її друзі.)
a) What are you doing this morning? (Що ти робиш цього ранку?)
b) Who's speaking? (Хто говорить?)
a) These are my jeans and those are yours. (Це мої джинси, а ті - твої.)
b) We are going to the mountains this winter. (Ми їдемо в гори цієї зими.)
a) That man over there is a famous actor. (Той чоловік там - відомий актор.)
This is an animal. (Це тварина.)
These are animals. (Це тварини.)
Is that also an animal? — No, it isn't. That is a bird. (Це також тварина? — Ні, це не так. Це птах.)
Are those also animals? — No, they aren't. Those are birds. (Це також тварини? — Ні, це не так. Це птахи.)
Is that a good dog? — Yes, it is. (Це хороший пес?)
Are those good dogs? — Yes, they are. (Це хороші собаки?)
Is that sheep big or small? — It is big. (Цей баран великий чи малий?)
Are those sheep big or small? — They are big. (Ці барани великі чи малі?)
This is an orange and that is a box. (Це апельсин, а це коробка.)
These are oranges and those are boxes. (Це апельсини, а це коробки.)
Where is that wallet? — That is in the bag. (Де той гаманець?)
Where are those wallets? — They are in the bags. (Де ті гаманці?)
What color is this wardrobe? — This wardrobe is green. (Який колір у цій шафі?)
What colors are these wardrobes? — These wardrobes are green. (Які кольори у цих шафах?)
This task is difficult. (Эта задача трудная.)
These women are her friends. (Эти женщины ее друзья.)
What are you doing this morning? (Что вы делаете этим утром?)
Who’s this speaking? (Кто это говорит?)
These are my jeans and those are yours. (Это мои джинсы, а те твои.)
We are going to the mountains this winter. (Мы едем в горы этой зимой.)
That man over there is a famous actor. (Вон Тот мужчина - известный актер.)
And here are the answers to the second exercise:
These are animals. (Это животные.)
Are those also animals? — No, they aren’t. Those are birds. (Те тоже животные? - Нет, это не так. Те - птицы.)
Are those good dogs? — Yes, they are. (Те хорошие собаки? - Да, они такие.)
Are those sheep big or small? — They are big. (Те овцы большие или маленькие? - Они большие.)
These are oranges and those are boxes. (Это апельсины, а те - коробки.)
Where are those wallets? — Those are in the bag. (Где те кошельки? - Те в сумке.)
What colour are these wardrobes? — These wardrobes are green. (Какого цвета эти шкафы? - Эти шкафы зеленые.)