Предмет: Английский язык, автор: martamisuk52

Ви отримали листа від свого англійського друга по листуванню, в якому він/вона пише вам про свої плани на майбутнє. Він/вона хоче стати професійний фотограф, почніть займатися йогою, відвідайте уроки мистецтва та навчіться грати на піаніно. Напишіть листа своєму другові по листуванню, в якому скажіть йому/їй, що: 1. поєднати всі ці види діяльності буде дуже важко; 2. багатозадачність шкідлива і небезпечна для фізичного та психічного здоров'я; 3.розкажіть їм про свій досвід багатозадачності Напишіть листа щонайменше з 200 слів. Не використовуйте своє справжнє ім'я чи іншу особисту інформацію.


Автор ответа: mandaryxa

Ответ:Dear friend,

I was excited to hear about your upcoming bus tour of your country. It sounds like a great way to explore and learn more about your culture and history. However, when it comes to travel, I prefer a different type of experience.

Personally, I enjoy more active and adventurous trips, such as hiking or kayaking. I find that these types of trips allow me to connect more with nature and challenge myself physically. Of course, everyone has their own preferences when it comes to travel, and I'm sure your bus tour will be a great way to see many different parts of your country.

As for the best season to visit my country, I would recommend the summer months. The weather is warm and sunny, and there are many outdoor activities to enjoy, such as hiking, swimming, and exploring national parks. Plus, many cities and towns have festivals and events during the summer, which can be a great way to experience local culture.

If you do decide to visit my country, there are many interesting places to see. I would highly recommend visiting the Rocky Mountains, which offer stunning scenery and great hiking opportunities. Another must-see destination is the city of Vancouver, which has a vibrant arts and culture scene, as well as beautiful parks and beaches. And if you're interested in history, the city of Quebec is a UNESCO World Heritage Site with a rich colonial past.

I hope this gives you some ideas for your future travels. Whatever type of trip you choose, I'm sure you'll have a great time exploring and learning more about the world around you.

Best regards,

{your name}


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