opinion essay 100 слов тема про докторов
All professions are needed, all professions are important.I've heard this expression since childhood, but I've always thought, what would I like to do all my life? Going through different professions, I came to the conclusion that I want to become a doctor. This specialty is especially relevant and necessary today, when the coronavirus is "raging" all over the world.
The profession of a doctor is a very noble and responsible business, because health, and sometimes people's lives, depend on it. The profession of a doctor is very humane, since only a Person with good intentions and a kind soul can sincerely help people, giving himself completely. In addition, the doctor, of course, should know anatomy and biology well - the basis of medicine. The foundation of this knowledge should be laid already at school. The profession of a doctor will serve not only others, but also myself. If my family, friends, and friends get sick, I can always help them. Medicine has always been a popular field of human activity. This is a craft, a science, and an art. But if science can be studied, and craft can be obtained through experience, then only a talented person can make medicine an art.
The profession of a doctor is one of the most important and respected in the world. The desire to be a doctor, a doctor with a capital letter, to be significant in the eyes of patients and colleagues is a powerful incentive for me.