You have taken part in a meeting with a politician which your school has organised. Write a post for your school website in which you:• tell what the subject of the meeting was and describe what was happening during the meeting,• write about your impressions about the politician,• express your views on the necessity of such meetings.Write at least 100 words.
Ви брали участь у зустрічі з політиком, яку організувала ваша школа. Напишіть для свого шкільного веб-сайту пост, у якому:• розкажіть про тему зустрічі та опишіть, що відбувалося під час зустрічі,• напишіть про свої враження від політика,• висловіть свою думку щодо необхідності таких зустрічей. Напишіть не менше 100 слів.
Yesterday, our school had the honour of hosting a meeting with a prominent politician. The subject of the meeting was about empowering young people to participate in shaping their communities. The politician shared their vision for youth leadership and how to create opportunities for young people to get involved in politics.
As the meeting went on, I was impressed by the politician's deep commitment to the betterment of society. They listened actively to our concerns and suggestions, and responded honestly and candidly.
For me, meetings like this are highly valuable and necessary. It gives us, young people, a chance to connect with people in power and voice our concerns. It's reassuring to know that there are people who genuinely care about our struggle and are willing to work with us to find solutions.
I hope that such meetings continue to happen in the future, as they offer a powerful platform to create a better world for generations to come.