Предмет: Русский язык, автор: yabrawlboy

48. Укажите неверное утверждение.
А) Однокоренные слов могут относиться к одной части речи.
B) Неизменяемые слова состоят только из основы.
C) Окончание всегда выражено звуками, а на письме – буквами.
D) Окончание служит для связи слов в словосочетании и предложении.
E) Приставки и суффиксы являются словообразующими морфемами.


Автор ответа: lanastlana

Укажите неверное утверждение.


Окончание всегда выражено звуками, а на письме – буквами.

Объяснение: окончание может быть нулевым.

Стол[], дверь[], волчий[.

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даю 100 баллов срочно !!!!!!!!!!!
1. Прочитайте текст, ответьте на вопросы. (Письменный перевод текста не требуется.)
The classrooms in our college are well-equipped. Each room has a teacher’s table, students’ desks, a board, a computer and a multimedia projection unit. There are special classrooms for Chemistry, Physics, Biology, History, Geography, English and Russian. My English classroom is on the second floor. It has three big windows. There are lots of potted plants on the window sills, and we take good care of them. The board in our classroom is magnetic. We write with markers on it and attach our projects to it with magnets. Next to the board there are maps of Russia and Great Britain, various grammar tables and charts. There is a computer in the right-hand corner. We often listen to original English texts, songs and watch films on a big screen which make our lessons interesting.

1. What furniture is there in the classrooms?
2. What gadgets are there in the classrooms?
3. What subjects are there in the college?
4. Where is the English classroom?
5. What do the students do on the English lessons?
6. Do the students find their English lessons interesting?

2. Вставьте пропущенные буквы, запишите слова полностью. C…unter, a…rive, f…rry, …abin, l…unch, enfor…e, vot…, appr…ve, ma…hinery, da…ger, s…rvive. 3. Вставьте пропущенные слова в предложения. Допустимо записывать только добавленные в предложение слова. mayor, law, offensive, leading, location, ready-weighed, elected, poultry
1) The Federation Council is not _________.
2) To become a _________ a bill must be approved by the lower and upper houses and signed by the President.
3) Moscow is Russia's largest city and the _________ economic and cultural centre.
4) Moscow is governed by a city council and a _________.
5) During World War II, Moscow was the goal of the German _________.
6) At the butcher's there is a wide choice of meat and _________.
7) In the supermarket we can also buy many different things in the same _________.
8) Everything is sold here _________ and packed.

4. Вставьте something, somebody, anything, anybody, nothing, nobody. Допустимо записывать только добавленные в предложение слова.
1) He is new here, he doesn’t know _________.
2) There is _________ for dinner. I have to cook _________.
3) The room is empty. There is _________ there.
4) Do you know _________ about economics?
5) _________ left a note for you.

5. Образуйте сравнительную и превосходную степень от данных прилагательных: cold, happy, wide, hot, good, wonderful

6. Определите времена глаголов в следующих предложениях – Present Simple, Past Simple или Future Simple.
1) She helped mother yesterday.
2) I don’t eat ice-cream every day.
3) Will you go to the south next summer?
4) My brother is at school.
5) Was she in the park yesterday?
6) Where will he be tomorrow?

7. Вставьте подходящие модальные глаголы в предложения. Допустимо записывать только модальный глагол. can, must, should, have to
1) You _________ pass a test before you can get a driving licence.
2) I _________ hurry or I’ll be late.
3) Catherine got the job because she _________ speak five languages.
4) If you have time, you _________ visit the Science Museum. It’s very interesting.