1 Complete the dialogue with the words below. a few a little a lot how many how much many much much Ava I don't feel very well. Dad I don't think you eat and drink Ava I try to eat healthy food. Dad 2 Ava I only eat. Dad Well, there's Ava Only Dad Six! That's four cups too fruit vegetables meat fish Ava I prefer crisps! Dad Well, I think it's time to change your diet. 2 How much of these things do you eat and drink every day? Tick the correct boxes for you. a little / a few cake chocolate crisps fizzy drinks coffee cakes do you eat every day? water you none of sugar in cakes. 5. .I usually drink about six cups a day. healthy food. your partner you It's bad for you. And you don't eat "_ coffee do you drink? your partner you some your partner you fresh fruit. a lot your partner
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Dad: Ava, I don't think you eat and drink _______.
Ava: I try to eat healthy food.
Dad: _______ fruit, vegetables, meat, fish?
Ava: I only eat _______.
Dad: Well, there's _______. Only six! That's four cups too _______.
Ava: I prefer crisps!
Dad: Well, I think it's time to change your diet. _______ of these things do you eat and drink every day? Tick the correct boxes for you. _______ cake, chocolate, crisps, fizzy drinks, coffee _______ do you eat every day? _______ water _______ sugar in cakes. _______ coffee _______ do you drink? _______ fresh fruit. _______ do you eat a lot?
Possible completion:
Dad: Ava, I don't think you eat and drink enough.
Ava: I try to eat healthy food.
Dad: How many fruit, vegetables, meat, fish?
Ava: I only eat a little.
Dad: Well, there's a lot. Only six! That's four cups too many.
Ava: I prefer crisps!
Dad: Well, I think it's time to change your diet. How much of these things do you eat and drink every day? Tick the correct boxes for you. A few cake, chocolate, crisps, fizzy drinks, coffee. How much water? How much sugar in cakes? How much coffee do you drink? How much fresh fruit? How much do you eat a lot?