Speaking Comprehension
Speak about your favorite wild animal. Include these points:
⚫ describe it:
⚫ how can you help it survive:
⚫ is it a good idea to keep it as your favorite pet?
I wanna say about my favorite wild animal. I assume that everyone has his/her own wild animal. First and foremost, Some people adore such as tigers, lions, leopards and so on. But I really idolise elephants. Due to the fact that, They are so tremendous, immense and herbivorous. The part and parcel thing I admire about elephants are herbivore. If other wild animals don't attack, they will survive in case. We ought to look after for them to survive.Moving on to the last question, First of all, it is illegal to keep wild animals as our favourite pet. However, If it was not illegal, I will keep it as my pet. I believe that, it is not good idea to keep them as a pet. Because, firstly it is illegal, secondly, it is dangerous to keep them. Although, people in Africa, India, Thailand and other countries keep them as a domestic animal.
It has got a plethora of bad effects to keep them as a pet