про англию
In Great Britain Easter holiday is considered one of the most important religious holidays of the year. On this day, at dawn, in the churches hold religious services. The British are trying to put on new clothes, which symbolizes the coming of spring. On Easter Monday the inhabitants of Albion in the streets give children toys and candy. In Catholic churches for concerts of organ music. As well as in our country, the British on this day take the Easter baskets that are filled with eggs, bread and other food to the temple and consecrated. At this time, English schools are closed for two weeks. Easter morning the children rolled eggs from the mountain, which symbolizes the stone loose from the Holy Sepulchre.
Easter in England in the kids play different games(в англии в пасху дети играют в разные игры)parents hide chocolate eggs and the kids have to find them(родители прячут шоколадные яйца а дети должны их найти)if the kids are kids, they can eat them(если дети находят дети они могут их съесть) In Britain, Easter starts on Good Friday. People often eat hot – cross buns on this day( В Великобритании Пасха начинается в Страстную пятницу)in England, too, painted eggs(в англии тоже красят яйца)Easter favorite pastime, especially in Russian, it's skating eggs. Rolled egg with justsome bumps and made trays. When rolling the egg hits the egg, lying on the ground,picks up the egg plays sebe.smotret this whole village came(Любимой пасхальной забавой, особенно у русских, это катание яиц. Катали яйца просто с какого-нибудь бугорка или делали лоточки. Когда катящееся яйцо ударяется об яйцо, лежащее на земле, играющий забирает это яйцо себе.смотреть на это приходила вся деревня)вот:)