Поставте подані речення в Passive Voice. 1.They teach three foreign languages at this school. 2. We received this letter after his depar- ture. 3. Have dogs ever attacked you? 4. Bees gath- er honey from flowers. 5. The storm drove the ship against a rock. 6. Who discovered the circulation of blood? 7. They are selling delicious fruit ice cream there now. 8. The old man showed us the way out of the wood. 9. They offered her some interest- ing work. 10. The doctor prescribed her new medi- cine. 11. They don't think much of him. 12. Every- body laughed at this funny animal. 13. We have been looking for you the whole morning. 14. We shall insist on strict discipline. 15. He has just writ- ten this computer program.
1. Three foreign languages are taught at this school (by them).
2. This letter was received by us after his departure.
3. Have you ever been attacked by dogs?
4. Honey is gathered from flowers by bees.
5. The ship was driven against a rock by the storm.
6. Who was the circulation of blood discovered by?
7. Delicious fruit ice cream is being sold by them there now.
8. We were shown the way out of the wood by the old man.
9. She was offered by them some interesting work.
10 She was prescribed new medicine (by the doctor).
11. He isn't thought much of.
12. This funny animal was laughed at by everybody.
13. You have been looked for the whole morning.
14. Strict discipline will be insisted on.
15. This computer program has been just written by him.
Чтобы перевести предложение из активного залога в пассивный, необходимо произвести следующие изменения.
1. Дополнение (из предложения в активном залоге) поставить на место подлежащего (в предложении в пассивном залоге).
2. Изменить форму глагола-сказуемого с активного залога на пассивный. Помните, что само время глагола при этом не меняется, за исключением тех времен, которые не употребляются в пассивном залоге.
3. Подлежащее (из предложения в активном залоге) ставится на место дополнения (в предложении в пассивном залоге) и употребляется с предлогами by (если действие совершается человеком) или with (если действие совершается при помощи какого-то предмета или орудия).