Предмет: Физика, автор: poranout

Постоянный ток в цепи содержащей конденсатор…
А) может существовать
В) не может существовать, т.к. U и I изменяются по гармоническому закону
С) не может существовать, т.к. I изменяется по гармоническому закону
D) не может существовать, т.к. U изменяется по гармоническому закону
Е) не может существовать, т.к. цепь разомкнута


Автор ответа: serg3eys7


Е) не может существовать, т.к. цепь разомкнута.

Постоянный ток не может идти по цепи, содержащей кон­денсатор. Ведь фактически при этом цепь оказывается разомк­нутой, так как обкладки конден­сатора разделены диэлектриком.

Переменный ток может идти по цепи, содержащей конденса­тор.

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1. Выберите правильный вариант глагола:
1) Do you like orange juice?
a) Yes, I did b) Yes, I do c) No, I does d) Yes, I am
2. Did you hear the bell?
a) No, I didn’t b) Yes, I hear c) No, I don’t d) Yes, I do
3) You must … your teeth every day.
a) clean b) to clean c) clining d) clearly
4) She … to London next month.
a) went b) will go c) go d) goes
II. Выберите правильный вариант предлогов.
5) I like to travel … bus.
a) by b) on c) with d) in
6) The lectures will start … Monday.
a) on b) in c) at d) with
7) I am ready to go …home.
a) to b) - c) at d) near
III. Выберите правильный вариант числительных.
8) 1) 69
a) sixty-nine b) six and nine c) sixti-ninth d) sixty nineth
9) 2) 24
a) tventy four b) tventi - for c) twenty- fourth d) twenty -
10) 3) 7,000
a) sevn thausand b) seven thousand c) seven tausand d)
seventh thousand
IV. Выберите правильный вариант простых и
десятичных дробей:
11) 3/7
a) three seven b) three sevens c) three sevenths d) thre
12) 1/6
a) one sixth b) one sixt c) one six d) one sixty
13) 5,48
a) fife point four eit b) five point four eight c) five point
four eigh d) fifth for eight
V. Выберите английский эквивалент для русского
14) Его старший сын – выпускник колледжа.
a) His eldest son is a college’s graduate.
b) His elder son is a college graduate.
c) Him oldest son is a college finished.
d) His eldor son is a college finished.
15) По дороге домой он встретил одного из своих старых
a) He met an old friend on his way home.
b) He met old friend on his way home.
c) He met an old friend on his way to home.
d) He mets an old friend on his way home.
16. Find out the odd word.
a) study
b) journey
c) voyage
d) trip
17. They usually ______ the holiday at a travel agent’s.
a) book
b) apply for
c) fill in
d) take
18. I think it_______ rain
a) is going to
b) to go
c) goes to
d) have been going
19. Hurry up! We are going ____ late.
a) to be
b) been
c) being to
d) coming
20. Rupert Grint ______in the Harry Potter.
a) was filmed
b) was taken
c) was made
d) was brought
21.______Asia is bigger than _____ Europe.
a) ___ ,___
b) a, the
c) The, the
d) ___, a
22. ______ Mississippi River is in ____ United States.
a) the, the
b) A, the
c) -, the
d) the, a
23. Sherlock Holmes, the great ______ was written by Arthur
Conon Doyle.
a) detective
b) fantastic
c) poem
d) science fiction
24. The students usually ______ books from the library.
a) borrow
b) lend
c) bring
d) leave
25. There is a fax machine at the front desk, _____ can send
and receive faxes.
a) which
b) who
c) where
d) when
26. The clock is the thing ______ tells the time.
a) which
b) where
c) who
d) when
27. Pupils study _____ such as maths, biology, physics, etc at
a) subjects
b) classes
c) courses
d) tasks
28. Everybody at age 11 goes to ____ school.
a) secondary
b) primary
c) nursery
d) basic
29. You _____ to attend extra classes, it’s up to you.
a) don’t have
b) must
c) may
d) can
30. You _______ call your teachers by their first names.
a) mustn’t
b) can
c) must
d) may
31. Students _____ when they finish the course and pass the
final exams.
a) get a degree
b) take a book
c) get a salary
d) have classes
32. Some students take a gap year before they go to ________.
a) university
b) abroad
c) nursery
d) practice
33. Smoking is not permitted in the restaurant. You _____
smoke in the restaurant.
a) can’t
b) can
c) might
d) may not
34. Let’s buy a lottery ticket. We ______ win
a) might
b) can’t
c) must
d) may to
35. Many people go to England to _____ their English.
a) brush up
b) make
c) increase
d) prove
36. English grammar is very ________ . One should work hard
at it.
a) complicated
b) different
c) varied
d) typical
37. A.: It’s a secret. B. : I ____ anyone. I promise.
a) won’t tell
b) am not going to tell
c) told
d) am not telling
38. We don’t know their address. What _______?
a) will we do
b) are we do
c) do you doing
d) you do​