Предмет: Английский язык, автор: merivong51

read the quotes from online business people. Rewrite the sentences using have to, don't have to, must or mustn't,
1. “To be successful you must be unique, you must be so different that if people want what you have, they must come to you to get it.” Walt Disney

You_____be unique and different for other people
2. "If you're trying to create a company, it's like baking a cake. It is important to have all the ingredients in the right proportion" Elon Musk

You____have all the ingredients for creating a company

3. "Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work." Steve Jobs

You___love what you do

4. "The president can't change the country on his own. But what can he do? He can give an example." Volodymyr Zelenskiy

President____give a good example of himself
Complete the article with the correct form of have to, don't have to, must or mustn't.

2Complete the article with the correct form of have to, don't have to, must or mustn't.

Ashley works in an expensive designer clothes shop "Zara" in central London, and she
____Iook good every day - it's important for making а good impression on customers.

She___ look badly-dressed. In that clothing boutique shop assistants ____ wear smart clothes and look clean and tidy. Also they __be friendly with customers and very polite. They___ just standand look miserable. They ___be client-oriented.

Moreover, people who come to buy fashionable clothes _____see tired and bored assistants. Clients ____buy anything and be sure the assistant was helpful.

Iп the shop where she works, there is also the 80/20 rule. It's аn important rule in shop sales. It says that 20% of the customers that соmе into the shop regularly make 80% of the рurсhаsеs. But, when regular customers come they____buy a lot, sometimes they can just think and choose nothing. But the assistants____remember theirnames and tell them whаt's nеw in the shop and what's оn sale.

And of course they____remember the names of customers who don't соmе in rеgulаr - thаt's impossible. Whаt's more, we____persuade somebody to buy something they don't want. Every customer hates thatl But wе
____offer good advice. Ifs important that customers think that we know about the clothes wе'rе selling!


Автор ответа: Volkfcj


You must be unique and different for other people.

You must have all the ingredients for creating a company.

You must love what you do.

The president must give a good example of himself.

Complete the article with the correct form of have to, don't have to, must, or mustn't.

Ashley works in an expensive designer clothes shop "Zara" in central London, and she must look good every day - it's important for making a good impression on customers.

She mustn't look badly dressed. In that clothing boutique, shop assistants have to wear smart clothes and look clean and tidy. Also, they must be friendly with customers and very polite. They mustn't just stand and look miserable. They have to be client-oriented.

Moreover, people who come to buy fashionable clothes mustn't see tired and bored assistants. Clients don't have to buy anything and be sure the assistant was helpful.

In the shop where she works, there is also the 80/20 rule. It's an important rule in shop sales. It says that 20% of the customers that come into the shop regularly make 80% of the purchases. But when regular customers come, they don't have to buy a lot, sometimes they can just think and choose nothing. But the assistants must remember their names and tell them what's new in the shop and what's on sale.

And of course, they don't have to remember the names of customers who don't come in regularly - that's impossible. What's more, they mustn't persuade somebody to buy something they don't want. Every customer hates that. But we must offer good advice. It's important that customers think that we know about the clothes we're selling!

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Предмет: Химия, автор: artemrodyushkin
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Зачет по теме «Органическая химия»

Вариант № 1

Часть А . Выберите один верный ответ.

А1. Вещества, имеющие формулы CH2=CH-CH=CH2 и СH≡C-CH2-CH3 являются:

1) полимерами; 2) изомерами; 3) гомологами; 4) пептидами.

А2. Углеводород, относящийся к классу органических соединений с общей формулой СnH2n-2:

1) бензол; 2) метан; 3) бутен-1; 4) ацетилен.

А3. Продуктом гидратации ацетилена является:

1) спирт; 2) кислота; 3) альдегид; 4) алкан.

А4. Только в одну стадию может протекать гидрирование этого углеводорода:

1) бутадиен-1,3; 2) бутен-1; 3) бензол; 4) бутин-2.

А5. Количество атомов водорода в циклогексане:

1) 10; 2) 8; 3) 6; 4) 12.

А6. Уксусная кислота не вступает во взаимодействие с веществом

1) оксид кальция 3) медь

2) метанол 4) пищевая сода

А7. Бензол принадлежит к гомологическому ряду:

1) алканов; 2) алкинов; 3) алкенов; 4) аренов.

А8. Полипропилен получают из вещества, формула которого

1) СН2 = СН2; 2) СН º СН; 3) СН3 – СН2 – СН3; 4) СН2 = СН – СН3.

А9. К ядовитым веществам относится:

1) метанол; 2) этанол; 3) пропанол; 4) бутанол.

А10. При сгорании 0,3 моль метана по термохимическому уравнению: СН4 + 2О2 = СО2 + 2Н2О + 880 кДж выделилось:

1) 264 кДж; 2) 1760 кДж; 3) 2640 кДж; 4) 880 кДж.

Часть В. К каждой позиции, обозначенной цифрой, подберите соответствующую позицию, обозначенную буквой.

В1. Установите соответствие между названием вещества и классом, к которому оно относится.

Название вещества 1) этан 2) этен 3) ацетилен 4) этаналь Класс вещества а) алкины б) альдегиды в) алкадиены г) алканы д) алкены

В2. Установите соответствие между реагентами и типом реакции.

Реагенты 1) С2Н4+ О2 → 2) СН4 → 3) СН3СООН + КОН → 4) СН4+ Cl2 → Тип реакции а) замещение б) окисление в) присоединение г) обмена д) разложение

В3. Установите соответствие между названием вещества и его формулой.

Название вещества 1) этан 2) пропаналь 3) пропановая кислота 4) метанол Формула а) СН3-СН3 б) СН3-ОН в) СН3-СН2-ОН г) СН3-СН2-СОН д) СН3-СН2-СООН

Часть С

С1. Запишите реакции, соответствующие схеме:

этан → хлорэтан → этанол → этен → этанол → диэтиловый эфир

С2. Какой объем оксида углерода (IV) (н.у.) выделится при сжигании 21,6 г метана?