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Imagine you are going to create your own personal website. Write a short letter to a friend (about 80 words).
Don't forget to mention:
- what kind of information you will put on it and why;
- who would be your target audience;
- how you would advertise your website so that people would be interested.
hello dear ... ,
I would like to share with you that I'm going to create my website. it will be based on the theme of charity. I love animals very much, and the fact is that a lot of animals get sick, and walk the streets, hungry, and barely alive. I would like to create a website where I will talk more about such animals so that more people will pay attention to it. however, I do not know yet what I will call this website, but I am already preparing materials for creation. this weekend I want to travel around the city and look for such animals to take them to a shelter. then I would take photos of these animals, and then I would take them in the shelter itself. do you think it would be a good idea? what do you think you can add to my website to attract more people? I would like us to solve this together, since you are my best friend, and I really need your support.
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