Предмет: Математика, автор: hfhffhhvg

На оглядовому колесi рiвно сто кабiнок: червонi, жовтi та синi. Кабінки
одного кольору йдуть поспіль і пронумеровані за порядком, за годинниковою
стрілкою (всi жовті - починаючи з 1, усі червоні - починаючи з 1 та всі сині
починаючи з 1). Жовта кабінка №6 виявилася на одному діаметрi з червоною
№3, а синя кабінка № 8 - на одному діаметрi з червоною №22. Скільки синіх,
червоних та жовтих кабінок на колесi? Вiдповiдь обґрунтуйте.

mic61: интересно...
mic61: завтра...


Автор ответа: mic61


Желтых 25

Синих 28

Красных 47

Пошаговое объяснение:

очень коротко: у нас 100 кабинок, следовательно 50 диаметров. Самое главное: между кабинками на одном диаметре находятся 49 кабинок.

Решение видно из рисунка. Внутри окружности подписаны номера кабинок соответствующего цвета.

Вначале подсчитываем количество синих кабинок, затем желтых, а количество красных, как разность между общим количеством кабинок и количеством желтых и синих.

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Помогите решить тест.

Выберите правильный вариант ответа:
1. His daughters (to clean) the room now.
a. are cleaning b. were cleaning c. clean
2. Tim (to drink) already two cups of coffee.
a. drinks b. has drunk c. drank
3. Mary (not to go) to the party tomorrow.
a. not go b. will not go c. did not go
4. They (to speak) a foreign language now.
a. speak b. spoke c. are speaking
5. She (to read) this magazine next July.
a. reads b. are reading c. will read
6. My brothers (to live) in the village.
a. live b. lived c. have lived
7. Bob (to eat) much ice cream yesterday.
a. eats b. ate c. is eating
8. We (not to wash) dishes yet.
a. do not wash b. have not washed c. not washed
9. This dress (not to make) in China last year.
a. is not made b. will be made c. was made
10. Spanish (not to speak) all over the world.
a. is spoken b. was spoken c. will be spoken
11. The school (to build) now.
a. is being built b. was built c. will be built
12. The letter (to write) tomorrow.
a . is written b. will be written c. was written
13. He (to offer) a new job two days ago.
a. is offered b. will be offered c. was offered
14. If I …(go) to Paris, I … (visit) the Eifel Tower.
a. go/will visit b. will go/ visit c. will go/will visit
15. They said he …(be) ill.
a. is b. was c. will be
16. If he …(be) in your shoes, he …(buy) a car.
a. were/would buy b. were/bought c. was/ will buy
17. He says the weather ….(be) fine tomorrow.
a. is b. will be c.was
18. Whales are giant … .
a. fish b. birds c. mammals
19. … is a constitutional monarchy. a) Russia b) Britain
20. …. was first mentioned in 1147. a) Moscow b) London
21. The symbol of World Wildlife Fund is … . a) turkey b) panda
22. … consists of four countries. a) The UK b) The Russian Federation
23. … is a famous holiday in the UK. a) St.Patrick’s Day b) Easter
24. … work on updating, modifying, expanding programs. a) engineers b) programmers
25. … is a typical feature of English people. a) kindness b) politeness
26. … is a wonder of Russia. a) St.Basil’s Cathedral b) The Bolshoi Theatre
27. The government consists of … branches. a) three b) two
28. The unique structure seen at present is … . a) The temple of Artemis b) the great Pyramid of Giza
29. …Baikal is the deepest lake on…Earth.
a. the/the b. -/the c. the/-
30. The President of the USA is the … of the state.
a. head b. legislator c. monarch