Предмет: Английский язык, автор: kirskeleton016

Look at the there book reviews and then match the books A, B or C to the questions.


A Planting the Seed This is the first in a series of family history novels which will follow the lives of one family over two hundred years. It's only the first book and it's still a long book, but I couldn't stop reading it. Two six-year-old brothers lose their parents and have to try to survive on their own. An uncle comes to look after them, but he only wants to take them to his farm and put them to work. We see how the boys' lives change because of what happens to them. In the end they both become very wealthy, but an argument about business ends their relationship. I can't wait to read the next one to find out what happens.

B Do You Really Want To Do That? This interesting novel, about a young teenager who keeps doing dangerous things like climbing on top of buildings and jumping off bridges into the river, looks at why people might want to do such things and what this can do to people. The boy always gets good marks at school and appears to be the model student, but at night he lives a completely different life. When his parents are asleep he creeps out of his house to do something dangerous. However, one night he sees something that changes his life forever. I can't tell you what because that would spoil the story. But I strongly recommend you read this book if you love adventure and mystery.

COne Dark Story This must be one of the worst books I've ever read. The plot was completely impossible to understand and the three main characters, two girls and a boy, are not people you would want to meet. The cover says that it's a detective story which will keep you interested all the time. I was already confused by the third page. I feel that I've really wasted two hours of my life reading this. I can't believe that other reviews said it was brilliant. I'm sure they were reading another book!

1. has a plot that was confusing?
2. will have more in the same series after it?
3. has a main character who is the perfekt student?
4. has characters who don't each other at the end?
5. does the reviewer think won't like?
6. has a main character who does strange things at the night time?
7. has a review which the reader disagreed with?
8. made the reader want to discover more?


Автор ответа: eliyooni

відповіді: ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

  1. C
  2. A
  3. B
  4. A
  5. C
  6. B
  7. C
  8. A
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