Предмет: Математика, автор: badillad487

Cuál es el número de lados de un polígono regular de medida en grados de su ángulo externo es 120

aarr04594: Скільки сторін у правильного многокутника, зовнішній кут якого в градусах дорівнює 120?
aarr04594: n=360:b, b=120°. n=360:120=3.
aarr04594: Відповідь: 3.
g6kpd4q6g6: Можливо, не так перевела запитання..
Відповідь на Ваше запитання повинна бути 30, якщо не помиляюсь.
g6kpd4q6g6: правильна відповідь 3
g6kpd4q6g6: опечатка
aarr04594: Комент кому? І про що?
g6kpd4q6g6: Комент пишете Ви мені. Я вже дала відповідь на це питання, а відповіли Ви мені.
aarr04594: Ви щось плутаєте. Як би я писала вам, то писала під вашою відповіддю. Я написала відповідь для автора питання. Вашу і не бачила.
g6kpd4q6g6: можливо, в мене глючить програма. вибачте за незручність)


Автор ответа: g6kpd4q6g6
n- кількість сторін, а сума зовнішніх кутів многокутника = 360
n=360/120= 3
по ідеї так.

En español:
n- es el número de lados, y la suma de los ángulos externos del polígono = 360
n=360/120= 3
en teoria si
Похожие вопросы
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: alexandergerasimov20
III. Отметьте предложения, действие в которых происходит в настоящем времени (Present Simple), переведите их на русский язык. *
We learn many subjects at college.
He will finish the university next year.
They had practice at school.
They will pass four exams next term.
She was an actress.
He is my friend.

IV. Отметьте предложения, действие в которых происходит в прошедшем времени (Past Simple), переведите их на русский язык. *
The Tyumen Region is the largest in Russia.
It was a quiet town.
She will be an economist.
Tyumen was founded in 1586.
There will be a concert at college.
They are from Tyumen

VI. Переведите словосочетания, обращая внимание на степени сравнения прилагательных:

the largest country, the longest river, the highest peak, various metals, the official language, a more beautiful place. *

... cat is not at home. (вставьте притяжательное местоимение) *
My sister is going to become a musician. (make a negative sentence) *
My sister are not going to become a musician.
My sister is going no to become a musician.
My sister is not going to become a musician.
My sister no going to become a musician.

I think your friends to read everything about the accident. (поставьте глагол read в будущее время) *
will read
is reading
to read
am reading

Новости не очень хорошие. (choose the right translation) *
A news isn't very good.
The news isn't very good.
A news aren't very good.
The news aren't very good.

Кто собирается visit them at the weekend? (translate the underlined part)
Who is going to
Who am going to
When is going to
Who going

I see my parents very often. (make a negative sentence) *
I doesn't see my parents very often.
I not to seen my parents very often.
I don't see my parents very often.
I do is see my parents very often.

They have to meet him on Monday. (make a question) *
Do they have to meet him on Monday?
They have to meet him on Monday?
They does have to meet him on Monday?
They to meet him on Monday?

She (to write) a test now. (make a sentence in present continuous) *
She to be writing a test now.
She to do writing a test now.
She is writing a test now.
She are writing a test now

... parents are in the garden. (вставьте притяжательное местоимение) *

.. is famous for Hollywood. *
Los Angeles
New York

Выбери правильную форму множественного числа существительных.

We should be careful with our ... *
I had three ..., but now I'm single. *
a) wifes
Составь предложения из слов.

Cleaned, Jane`s, mother, rooms, the

Jane, her, mother, Did, help?

didn’t, like, She, work, to *

didn’t, like, She, work, to *
more expensive
the tastiest
the farthest