Предмет: Английский язык, автор: aleksiakrumin59

Допоможіть будь ласка.  Треба виписати речення в Present Simple (5 речень) і Past Simple (також 5 речень) подарую 55 баллів.

Do you like going on day trips? My family does. We go on a lot of trips every year! And we usually have a good time. It's really great even if the day isn't always as good as we planned. PI Everything starts with Mum. She plans the trips, because she is always very organized. The night before the trip she packs the car with clothes, umbrellas, maps and, of course, with suntan lotion. Then, on the day of the trip, she makes everybody get up very early. "We must avoid the traffic," she usually says. It seems other people think the same because we usually stay in a traffic jam among thousands of other cars. I remember one trip we had to the seaside a few years ago. We left the house at 4:30 a.m.! But, you know what?! I think you guessed that we had to queue for hours on the motorway... Well, we didn't get to the beach until lunchtime! Since then things got worse. It was really very hot on the beach and my Dad went to sleep. He got sunburned, of course. Besides, I was stung by a jellyfish' while swimming. The whole day seemed a complete disaster after the car had broken down on the way home. Those trips to the seaside are not the only trips that my Mum and Dad go on. The day trip to London that took place last year is unforgettable as well. That day started well, indeed. We all went to Madame Tussaud's and watched the wax models of famous people.​



Автор ответа: jixiolp


Present Simple:

1. Do you like going on day trips?

2. My family goes on a lot of trips every year.

3. We usually have a good time on our family trips.

4. Mum plans the trips because she is always very organized.

5. She packs the car with clothes, umbrellas, maps, and suntan lotion the night before the trip.

Past Simple:

1. We left the house at 4:30 a.m. on a trip to the seaside a few years ago.

2. Unfortunately, we had to queue for hours on the motorway.

3. It was really hot on the beach, and my Dad got sunburned.

4. I was stung by a jellyfish while swimming.

5. The car broke down on the way home, making the whole day a complete disaster.

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Чудесен шум ночного дождя. Он торопливо барабанил по стёклам, и ветер в темноте порывами рвал тополя перед домом.
Никита перевернул подушку холодной стороной вверх, лёг опять и ворочался под вязаным одеялом, устраиваясь как можно удобнее. «Всё будет ужасно, ужасно хорошо», - думал он и провалился в мягкие тёплые облака сна.
К утру дождь прошёл, но небо ещё было в тяжелых сырых тучах, летевших с юга на север. Никита взглянул в окно и ахнул. От снега не осталось и следа. Широкий двор был покрыт синими, рябившими под ветром лужами. Через лужи, по измятой бурой траве, тянулась грязная дорога. Разбухшие лиловые ветви тополей трепались весело и бойко. С юга между разорванных туч появился и со страшной быстротой летел на усадьбу ослепительный лазурный клочок неба. 11. Раскройте значение подчёркнутого в тексте слова.
А) застывшими
С) потемневшими
Е) слегка волновавшимися
В) движущимися D) блестевшими
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