Предмет: Математика, автор: olesandra69

Cepгiй та Максим збирали урожай яблук у своїх садах. Сергій зібрав 10 ящиків, а Максим - 12 ящиків, що на 25 кг яблук більше, ніж у Сергія. Скільки кілограмів яблук зібрав Максим?​



Автор ответа: mariiakalyta67


на фото

Пошаговое объяснение:

что не ясно, спрашивайте

Автор ответа: kotikmurkotik901


Що написано:

12 ящ.-10 ящ.=25 кг

2 ящ.=25 кг

1 ящ.=12,5 кг

12 ящ.=12,5•12

12 ящ.=150 кг

В:Максим зібрав 150 кг яблук

Пошаговое объяснение:

Що на фото:

1200 грн=100%





В:варіант Б)Сергій витратив 540 гривень

Похожие вопросы
Предмет: Химия, автор: darynesengeldi
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: profihackerzate
1. __ this word in English?

а) How do you call ;

Ь) How do you say;

с) What do you say;

d) How is called.

2. What __ at the cinema tonight?

а) is played;

Ь) is on;

с) is playing;

d) are they play.

3. Неге are your shoes. I __ them.

а) have just cleaned;

Ь) have just been cleaned;

с) did just clean;

d) just cleaned.

4. I hope you know that you __ come with me if you don't want to.

а) can't;

Ь) mustn't;

с) don't have to;

d) don't need.

5. " __ " ''No, her eyes are sore, that's why they are so red."

а) Has Sue crying?

Ь) Did Sue cry?

с) Had Sue cried?

d) Has Sue been crying?

6. "How long __ yourfriend?" "Since 2000."

а) haveyouknown;

Ь) did you know;

с) have you been knowing;

d) do you know.

7. Не asked me if i _____ to swim across the river.

а) was аblе;

Ь) bе аblе;

с) could;

d) am аblе.

8. 1 was just wondering if she __ about the tragedy.

а) had told;

Ь) has told;

с) told;

d) had been told.

9. I'm glad to hear that at least today's __ cheerful.

а) news is;

Ь) news are;

с) the news is;

d) the news are.

1О. __ wanted to see you yesterday.

а) One ofmy friend;

Ь) One my friend;

с) А friend of mine;

d) Afriend ofme.

11. "She said she had met my friend two weeks before." "___ she?"

а) Has;

Ь) Did;

с) Hadn't;

d) Didn't.

12. Не used __ cigarettes, but he doesn 't any more.

а) smoke;

Ь) to smoking;

с) smoking;

d) to smoke.

13. l'd have collected the money if he __ asked me.

а) has;

Ь) had;

с) would have;


14. While everyone else __ , she __ quietly in the kitchen.

а) laughed - cryed;

Ь) was laughing - was crying;

с) was laughed- cried;

d) laughed- was cried.

15. She will have ____ free time from now оn.

а) many;

Ь) lot of;

с) few;

d) no.

16. Не wanted to buy 4 __ eggs and 3 __ .

а) dozens - hundreds sheeps;

Ь) dozens- hundred sheeps;

с) dozen- hundred sheep;

d) dozen- hundreds sheeps.

17. Тhе proЬlem is __ than 1 thought.

а) тuch worse;

Ь) тuch тоге worse;

с) тuch тоге bad;

d) тuch worst.

18. She'll саn us _______ .

а) 11 o'clock in this тorning;

Ь) at 11 о' clock this тorning;

с) on 11 o'clock this тorning;

d) on this morning at 11 o'clock.

19. Is he married or _____ ?

а) alone;

Ь) lonely;

с) single;

d) free.

20. What are you going to do when you __ school?

а) finished;

Ь) ended;

с) leave;

d) complete.​