Предмет: Физика, автор: chelik22811

Кран піднімає вантаж масою 1600 кг на висоту 22 м протягом 40 с. Напруга
електродвигуна підйомного крану дорівнює 220 В. Визначте силу струму в його
обмотках, якщо ККД двигуна 80%.


Автор ответа: robotagadanilo

Знаючи масу вантажу (1600 кг), висоту підняття (22 м) та час підйому (40 с), можемо визначити продуктивну потужність (Pп) за формулою:

Pп = m * g * h / t,

де m - маса вантажу, g - прискорення вільного падіння (приблизно 9.8 м/с²), h - висота підняття, t - час підйому.

Підставляємо відповідні значення:

Pп = 1600 * 9.8 * 22 / 40 ≈ 17216 Вт.

Тепер, враховуючи коефіцієнт корисної дії (ККД) двигуна (80%), ми можемо обчислити електричну потужність (Pe), яку споживає електродвигун:

Pe = Pп / ККД = 17216 / 0.8 = 21520 Вт.

Наступною кроком є визначення сили струму (I) в обмотках електродвигуна, використовуючи формулу:

I = Pe / U, де Pe - електрична потужність, U - напруга.

Підставляємо відповідні значення:

I = 21520 / 220 ≈ 97.82 А.

Отже, сила струму в обмотках електродвигуна підйомного крану становить приблизно 97.82 Ампер.

Автор ответа: VIZERSHTORM



Первым шагом нужно вычислить работу, которую совершает кран, поднимая груз на высоту:

Работа = масса * ускорение свободного падения * высота = 1600 * 9,81 * 22 = 348,192 Дж

Затем найдем мощность, которую нужно затратить на совершение этой работы за 40 с:

Мощность = работа / время = 348,192 / 40 = 8,705 Вт

Так как КПД двигателя равен 80%, то мощность, которую нужно потребить из сети, составит:

Pп = P / КПД = 8,705 / 0,8 = 10,881 Вт

Найдем силу тока I:

I = Pп / U = 10,881 / 220 = 0,0494 А

Ответ: сила тока в обмотках подъемного крана составляет 0,0494 А.

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Ответить на вопросы.

1.Why is IT progress different from other progresses?
2. What are the peculiarities of information society?
3. What is the role of information in this society?
4.How can scientific innovations influence our everyday life?
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6. How can these problems be solved?

текст вот :
The basis of scientific and technical progress of today is new informational technology which
is very different from all the previous technologies. Thanks to up-to-date software and robots
new informational technologies can make man
y processes much faster and transmit information more quickly. It is important today because
the quantity of information grows rapidly.
New informational society has its peculiarities. Firstly, more and more employees work in the
sphere of service and information. Secondly, more and more huge databases appear to collect
and store the information. And finally, information and IT become goods and start playing
important part in the country's economy.
These processes affect social structures and values.
It becomes important to learn to get new knowledge quickly and sometimes to change your
qualification. IT can first lead to unemployment, but later create even more workplaces
especially for highly qualified professionals. While the hardest work can be performed by
robots and routine calculations by computers, in the future people with the most creative
mind and numerous fresh ideas will get better career chances.
On one hand technology development gives more access to professional and cultural
information and leads to new forms of individual enterprises. But on the other hand there is a
danger of total control of private life unless special laws are enforced by the government.
Another danger is «intellectual terrorism» when computer viruses block important programs.
There are other directions of technical and scientific progress of today.
One of them is the development of new ecologically clean sources of energy using sun,
gravitation, winds or rain. New kind of transports and new agricultural methods that do not
harm our nature are being developed today.
Breakthroughs in science have led to creation of artificial viruses for new medicines and
products, body organs for transplantation and productive soils for growing vegetables and
crops. Many new materials and technologies are being used in our everyday life.
All these innovations may have influence on our life, social relations and globally on our
The influence can be very different: from psychological and health problems of children who
spend too much time online to an opportunity to prevent genetic diseases for future
But the most difficult problems the humanity faces are global problems.
The first and foremost is ecological problem: pollution of air, water and soil, exhaustion of
natural resources. Renewable natural resources such as oxygen, forests, flora and fauna do
not have enough time to regenerate. This leads to different changes in climate and nature
such as depletion of ozone layer and other things that has not been properly studied by
scientists yet.

Other crucial problems include wars, epidemics, and demographic problems.
The only way to solve them is to work globally and in cooperation with other countries. And
here the humanity should find a way to use new technologies for the common good. The
solution of these problems cannot be postponed because otherwise people will have fewer
chances to survive on this planet.