помогите пожалуйста

Будь ласка, позначте мою відповідь за кращу, намагаюсь підвищити ранг.Дякую!^^
1. We all worked hard on the class project. - Type: Adverbial complement
2. Some of the app icons have disappeared from the home screen. - Type: Prepositional complement
3. Could you forward me Nurlan's email address? - Type: Object complement
4. I managed to use an app to call my friend in Australia. - Type: Infinitive complement
5. Do you remember learning about additive manufacturing at university? - Type: Gerund complement
6. Quantum computers sound incredibly powerful. - Type: Adjective complement
7. Our teacher explained how we should use apps to revise for our exams. - Type: Adverbial complement
8. App updates start automatically on some devices. - Type: Adverbial complement