Listen again. Match the people to the objects. 1 Zoe's brother 2 Zoe's sister 3 Zoe's mum 4 Zoe's dad a books b sweets c paints d toothbrush Listen again. Who says these words? Write D for Dad and Z for Zoe. 1 Have we got everything? 2 He can't find his old one. 3 I'd like to get an umbrella. 4 That's true. 5 Say it again, please. 6 Do you need anything?
Task 1
Task 2 .
1 . Z
2 . D
3 . D
4 . Z
5 . D
6 . Z
7 . Z
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Английский язык 8 класс 3 вариант I. Reading Match the texts (1-5) to the headings (A-E). (5 points) A. What country was discovered by an Italian sea captain? B. What is obligatory to wear there? C. What is the origin of the name? D. How do they call this holiday? E. Why do they get together on that day? 1. More than 80 percent of New Zealand's population are Britons or Europeans. That's why the New Zealand school system is similar to the British one. Education is free and compulsory for children between the ages of 6 and 16.The school year starts in January (after the summer holidays) and ends in December. In most schools wearing a school uniform is obligatory. For New Zealand teenagers daily life takes place in school where they stay up to the late afternoon. 2. Canada occupies most of the northern North America continent as well as some islands. It stretches from the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west. It's also washed by the Arctic Ocean in the north. The country was discovered in 1497 by John Cabot, an Italian sea captain. About 2% of the Canadian territory is covered with ice. The eastern part of the country is mainly valleys and plains. The western territories are made up of the Cordilleras. 3. Most Americans simply call the Independence Day the "Fourth of July". It always falls on this day, and it celebrates the signing of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. At that time, the people of the 13 British colonies were involved in a war which had begun in 1775. The colonists were fighting for freedom from the English. The Declaration of Independence stated it clearly. For the first time in history the colonies were defined as the United States of America. 4. With great weather, great events and terrific crowds Australia Day in Melbourne in 2010 was one of the best ever! It is a day for all Australians to get together and, in whatever way they choose, celebrate being Australian. 1788 is when the British Fleet first arrived at Sydney Cove and lifted the British flag. Now, major cities throughout the country celebrate the national day with parades, free food, and different events. 5. Cambridge lies in East Anglia, about 50 miles north of London. The river Cam flows through it. It gets the name Cambridge from the river. It's a compact green city. There is always something to do and to see in the city: walk in the parks and gardens, visit museums and galleries, enjoy the festivals or relax in small cafes. The city is best known as the home of Cambridge University, one of the world's best founded in 1209 and it It was consists of 30 universities. colleges.
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Jane talks faster than Mary who talks more slowly than George Andrew talks faster than Jane but not so fast as Alice who talks faster than Mary who doesn’t talk as fast as Jane
Who talks fastest of all? a) Jane; b) Mary; c) George; d) Andrew; e) Alice
Джейн говорит быстрее, чем Мэри, которая говорит медленнее, чем Джордж… Эндрю говорит быстрее, чем Джейн, но не так быстро, как Алиса, которая говорит быстрее, чем Мэри, которая не говорит так же быстро, как Джейн… Кто говорит быстрее всех?
а) Джейн; б) Мэри; в) Джордж; г) Андрей; д) Алиса