Task I. Reading
Read the text and complete the missing words with the appropriate options:
b. here
0. a. then
c. now
d. since
Science and technology
We are living in a world of technologies (0) now and can't remember our life being different. The
humanity has made many discoveries and invented lots of mechanisms and devices which have simplified
our life significantly.
and enabled us to get in touch with each
We got acquainted with light and sound and explored their characteristics which helped us to use
them effectively. The radio, the TV, the telephone was (1)
other, learn about what is happening in our native city and all over the world.
The humanity (2)
lets us make
stopped on the way to unexplored places and even planets! We devised
a satellite and made a rocket to travel to the moon and round the Earth. Special (3)
photos of the faraway planets and study their environment.
The most recent breakthrough in technology is supposed to be the internet. It has broadened our
with people from other countries without any
abilities and opened new horizons. We (4)
problems, search for any information and get it in one click, and have many other opportunities accessing
the net from our smartphones, tablets, and computers.
other realms of science have also been developing. Medicine, biology, archeology
We do have everything to maintain a high
and many other sciences have achieved great (6)
quality of life now. Many processes have been automated and people have got rid of many unpleasant things
and difficulties they used to face in the past.
1. a) talked
b) shocked
b) even
2. a) sometimes
3. a) equipment
4. a) argue
b) inventor
b) swear
5. a) Unfortunately
b) However
6. a) results
b) failures
c) discussed
c) never
c) employee
c) borrow
c) Apart
c) flaws
d) invented
d) already
d) worker
d) connect
d) Between
d) damages
6 points

We are living in a world of technologies now and can't remember our life being different. The humanity has made many discoveries and invented lots of mechanisms and devices which have simplified our life significantly.
We got acquainted with light and sound and explored their characteristics which helped us to use them effectively. The radio, the TV, the telephone was invented. It enabled us to get in touch with each other, learn about what is happening in our native city and all over the world.
The humanity stopped оn the way to unexplored places and even planets! We devised a satellite and made a rocket to travel to the moon and round the Earth. Special equipment lets us make photos of the faraway planets and study their environment.
The most recent breakthrough in technology is supposed to be the internet. It has broadened our abilities and opened new horizons. We can communicate with people from other countries without any problems, search for any information and get it in one click, and have many other opportunities accessing the net from our smartphones, tablets, and computers.
Other realms of science have also been developing. Medicine, biology, archeology argued. We do have everything to maintain a high quality of life now. Many processes have been automated and people have got rid of many unpleasant things and difficulties they used to face in the past.
1 a) talked
2 a) sometimes
3 a) equipment
4 b) inventor
5 b) However
6 a) results