4 TASK Planning and asking about an expedition. Work in pairs and imagine you are going on an expedition to an extreme place (North / South Pole, Sahara Desert, Matterhorn Mountain, Congo River, Mars, etc.). Make notes about dates, route, transport, weather, languages, dangers, etc. Make a list of things to take with you. Ask and answer Yes/No questions with another pair. Guess where they are going. *

I always dreamed of going to the 4th planet in the solar system from the sun, to Mars. And my dream will finally come true in 22/06/2023.I will fly by a rocket ship with my friends and some other people, which was built by NASA.We will fly from NASA's station which is located in USA, Washington DC city.The weather there is really cold.The average weather on Earth is 14 celsius, while the average weather on Mars is -65 celsius.I must know English very well so I could speak to the people I will fly with and make new friends.But of course, flying to Mars has it's dangers.The rocket ship might explode and explode us too, but we only live once! The list of things I would need on Mars is
4.Pressurized suit
5.Radiation shielding
6.Energy sources and batteries
7.Some company
8.Books so I won't be bored
and other things!