Imagine you are going to the cinema and then for a pizza with your friends. In groups, decide what film to see and what to have on one big pizza. Talk about: PROJECT A plan for a Saturday afternoon with friends • the films you can see at the cinema at the moment the films you and your friends like / don't like Choose a film together and then talk about: 9 • the things you can put on a pizza the things you and your friends like / don't like on pizza Tell the class what you decide and why. a
During our Saturday afternoon plan with friends, we discussed the films currently playing at the cinema and our preferences. After considering various options, we decided to watch the action-comedy film "Project A" together.
Next, we moved on to deciding what toppings to have on our big pizza. We brainstormed and shared our personal preferences. Some of us liked classic toppings such as pepperoni, mushrooms, and olives, while others preferred more adventurous choices like pineapple, jalapenos, and barbecue chicken.
Taking everyone's preferences into account, we ultimately decided to have a combination of toppings on our pizza. The chosen toppings were pepperoni, mushrooms, olives, onions, and bell peppers. This combination provided a balance of flavors and satisfied everyone's taste preferences.
We made this decision because "Project A" seemed like a fun and entertaining movie for our group. Additionally, the pizza toppings we selected were a good mix of classic and unique flavors, accommodating the varied preferences of our friends.
Overall, we aimed to create an enjoyable and inclusive experience for our Saturday afternoon by selecting a film and pizza toppings that appealed to everyone's tastes.