Предмет: История, автор: mainteam7777

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Автор ответа: tanabicuk16
Ярославичі - це династія князів, яка правила Київською Руссю з XI по XIII століття. Політика правління Ярославичів була спрямована на зміцнення центральної влади та розвиток культури і освіти. Князі створювали закони, які регулювали життя населення, забезпечували захист від ворогів та розвивали торгівлю. Вони також підтримували духовність і релігію, будуючи храми і монастирі. Ярослав Мудрий був засновником першої в Україні бібліотеки та приділяв велику увагу освіті, запрошуючи до Києва вчених з різних країн. Політика Ярославичів сприяла розвитку культури, науки та економіки Київської Русі та зміцненню її позицій у Європі.
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Помогите пожалуйста с английским
Read the text and do the following exercises. (Прочитайте текст и выполните следующие упражнения)
Some companies make parts for products that are then put together by other companies. How much communication should there be between the parts manufacturer and the final manufacturer?
Read this article from the Financial Times and answer the questions.
New products for the cyclist
Manufacturers need to keep up to speed, says Peter Marsh
As a keen cyclist, Yoshizo Shimano knows all about the importance of keeping in touch with his company’s products. (3) Mr Shimano is president of Shimano, the world’s biggest maker of bicycle components. Frequently, he borrows a bike from the company’s R&D division to keep (6) in touch with what researchers are up to.
‘We won’t compete with our customers by building complete bikes. But we must keep in mind (8) how our components are going to be used and have a vision of the product that is safe as well as being fun,’ he says.
Mr Shimano’s interest in trying (11) out bicycles containing his company’s components underlines how manufacturers must pay increasing attention to bringing out new products. These (13) must either solve a pressing customer problem or come up with an idea that breaks completely new ground within a few years.
(16) ‘For example, if the cyclist does not have to change gears, he can concentrate on other aspects of controlling the bike which is likely to lead to safer journeys,’ (18) says Mr Shimano.
From the Financial Times

1 True or false?
a) Mr Shimano often cycles.
b) Shimano makes complete bicycles.
c)Shimano pays attention to how its products are used by its customers.
d) To succeed, new products must solve a problem or be based on a completely new idea.
e) Mr Shimano talks about reducing the weight of bicycles.
2 Choose the correct alternative.
a) If you keep in touch with something (lines 1-6), you keep
i) touching it ii) informed about it.
b) If you find out what people are up to (line 6), you find out
i) what they are doing. ii) which floor of a building they are on.
c) If you keep something in mind (line 8), you
i) remember it when thinking about something else.
ii) think about only that thing.
d) If you have a vision of something (line 9), you
i) look at it. ii) think about how it may develop in the future.
b) If you pay attention to something (line 13), you
i) ignore it. ii) think about it.
d) If you concentrate on something (line 17), you
i) think hard about it. ii) think about it a bit.
3 Answer these questions.
Think about a piece of equipment you use. What is the biggest improvement you would like to make to it? Why?