Предмет: Английский язык, автор: pooip

I. Complete the sentences with the Future be going to of the next verbs:
put up
1. We
our tent near the river and then Greg
2. Your torch isn't working.
3. What time
your mum
4. My aunt and uncle
5. Take an umbrella with you because it
6. There aren't any buses tomorrow, so Lee
a fire.
a new one from the shop?
home tonight?
a New Year's Eve party.
Look at the clouds!
to work.
orative or the superlative form of the adjectives in


Автор ответа: arseniymatv2010


I. Complete the sentences with the Future "be going to" form of the next verbs:

1. We are going to put up our tent near the river, and then Greg is going to drive.

2. Your torch isn't working. Are you going to make a new one from the shop?

3. What time is your mum going to arrive home tonight?

4. My aunt and uncle are going to organize a New Year's Eve party.

5. Take an umbrella with you because it is going to rain.

6. There aren't any buses tomorrow, so Lee is going to drive to work.

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