Предмет: История, автор: lyudmilaponoma57

Які були особливості становища українських земель у складі Королівства Польського?

насадження католицизму
збереження руського законодавства
приєднання відбувалося переважно мирним способом
обмеження православних у праві обіймати державні посади
руйнування православних храмів
русинам заборонялося проживати у великих містах


Автор ответа: jfjfkdkdkfkfk


Велике князівство Литовське зберігало автономію, маючи окремий уряд, адміністрацію, суд, закони, військо. Українські землі в складі Королівства Польського поділялись на шість воєводств: колишні — Руське, Белзьке, Подільське та нові — Волинське, Брацлавське, Київське. У 1635 р. було створене Чернігівське воєводство.

Похожие вопросы
Предмет: Русский язык, автор: aizirekmeimanbaeva0
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: Nargorotovich

Завершите утвердительные предложения, используя

соответствующую форму глагола.

Модель: I / you / we / they work at an office.

He / she works at an office.

1. He always ………………. (ask) a lot of questions.

2. She often ………………….(complain) of pain in her eyes.

3. They sometimes …………………(go) to a dentist.

4. His wife ………………………..(work) as a doctor here.

5. We always ………………………(discuss) such problems.

6. They usually …………………..(visit) their friends at the weekend.

7. I usually ………………………(examine) patients in Room Five.

8. The students always ……………………(do) such exercises at home.

9. The first-year students often …………………….(translate) texts with a


10. You often ……………………………….(speak) too much.

11. Ann ………………………….(like) reading books about animals.

12. Sam and Kate usually ……………………(visit) their parents in summer.

13. The teacher …………………………..(know) these students well.

Завершите отрицательные предложения, используя

соответствующую форму глагола.

Модель: I / you / we / they don’t work here.

He / she doesn’t work here.

1. The first-year students ………………… ……….(study) this subject.

2. They …………………………………………..(discuss) such questions.

3. He ……………………………………………. (like) to go to a dentist.

4. She …………………………………………….(want) to work there.

5. We …………………………………………..(play) computer games.

6. You ………often……………………………….(go) to the theatre.

7. I ……………………………………….(see) patients on Wednesday.

8. Ann ……………………………..(visit) her parents every weekend.

9. Sam ………………………………………(like) to speak about it.

10. My friend ……………………………..(call) me in the morning as a rule.

11. Kate and Jane ………………………………….. (know) these students.

12. The doctors ………………………………(know) the cause of my pain.

13. This patient ………….often ………………..……(complain) of pain.

14. He …………….. always ……………………….(tell) the truth.

Завершите вопросительные предложения, используя

соответствующую форму глагола. Дайте краткий утвердительный

( + ) или отрицательный ( - ) ответ.

Модель: Do I /you / we / they know him? (+/-)

Yes, I/you /we/ they do. / No, I/ you/we /they don’t.

Does she / he know them? (+/-)

Yes, she/ he does. / No, she/ he doesn’t.

1. … the first-year students ………….. (study) Anatomy? ( + ) - ……………

2. … he …………(know) this subject well? ( - ) - …………………………..

3. … she often ………(visit) her parents? ( + ) - …………………………

4. … they always ………………(translate) texts with a dictionary? ( - ) -


5. … you …………(like) Latin? ( + ) -………………………………………

6. … Ann often …………..(go) to the library? ( - ) - ………………………

7. … Dan sometimes …………..(work) in the laboratory? ( + ) - ……………

8. … this doctor usually………….(examine) patients in Room Eight? ( - ) -

9. … you always…………. ( discuss) such cases? ( + ) - …………..

10. … they ……………(like) to play football? ( - ) - …………………………

11. … Ann and Jane …………(like) computer games? ( - ) - …………………

12. … this student …………… ( know )English well? ( + ) - …………………

13. … she often …………….(complain) of pain? ( - ) - ………………………

14. … it……………..(rain) here in summer? ( - ) - ……………………………

Выберите вопросительное слово, которое необходимо для

построения вопроса к подчеркнутой части предложения.

Задайте вопросы

Модель : We go to the cinema every weekend. (How often/ What)

How often do you go to the cinema?

He works in our office. (Where/ Who)

Where does he work?

He works in our office. (Where/ Who)

Who works in our office?

1. He has got a lot of trouble with his stomach ulcer. (Who/ Whose/



2. She reads magazines every day. (How often/ What) - ……………………….


3. The doctor usually sees patents in Room 12. (What/Whom) -


4. They meet their friends in the laboratory every Monday. (Who/ Why/ How

often) - ………………………………………………………………….

5. Ann and Peter visit their parents at the weekend. (Who/ When/ Whom) -


6. She knows Anatomy very well. (How/ How well/ Who) -…………………


7. We always do such exercises at home. (Who/ Where/ What) - ………….


8. You seldom do your morning exercises. (Who/ What/ How often) - …….


9. They go to the library every month. (Where/ Who/ When) - …….


10. He wants to go to a dentist as he has a bad toothache. (Who/ When/ Why)