Будь ласка, допоможіть зробити твір я люблю літо! Ось конструкція:My favourite season is ...
I like ... because I can ...
I don' like ... because I feel ...
My favorite season is summer. I love this time of year because then it's warm and sunny, you can lie in the sun. We can also play badminton, ball and other games. But I don't like it when it's very hot because I feel sick from the strong sun...
Моя улюблена пора року - літо. Я люблю цю пору року за те, що тоді тепло і сонячно, можна полежати на сонечку. Ми також можемо грати в бадмінтон, м'яч та інші ігри. Але я не люблю, коли дуже жарко, тому що мене нудить від сильного сонця...
My favourite season is summer.
I like summer because I can spend more time outside and enjoy the warm weather.
I don't like summer because sometimes it can be too hot and make me feel uncomfortable.
Another option:
My favourite season is definitely summer.
I like summer because I can relax and take a break from school or work.
I don't like summer because sometimes it can be too humid and make it difficult to sleep at night.