Предмет: Литература, автор: Aumiiiiii

СРОЧНОООО Тема і Ідея Хроніки Нарнії


Автор ответа: morskaazemcuzina36


The Chronicles of Narnia) — цикл із семи дитячих фентезійних книг, написаних Клайвом Стейплзом Льюїсом. В них розповідається про пригоди дітей указковій країні під назвою Нарнія, де тварини можуть говорити, магія нікого не дивує, а добро бореться зі злом.


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Предмет: Английский язык, автор: ilekazaika
Reading. Task 1. Read the article about the internet and do the tasks. What do they do online? A. I go on the internet every day, but I have never spent more than an hour at a time online. I have a laptop and also a smartphone, so I can use the internet anywhere. Today, for instance, I've been online three times. B. Mainly, I just email friends. I read online magazines and I look for information, too. I also compare prices of things, but I've never bought anything online because I don't think it is safe. C. I am not an internet addict, but some of my friends are. One friend always looks tired because he spends all night online. Although he's failed a lot of exams, he hasn't changed his habits. In my experience, the internet is not only addictive activity. Another friend spends all her time watching TV. D. In conclusion, from what I've seen people can be obsessive about anything. However, I think that internet is definitely more addictive than some other things. The problem is that people can go online everywhere, at any time. For this reason, I think it is a more serious addiction. In my opinion, the real problem is with the person, not with the activity. These people need help.
Task 2. Read the text and change the underlined words with the synonym words.
1. My friend can't pass exam, because he spends all night online.
2. I don't buy things online because it is risky.
3. In my opinion, it is a real addiction.
4. I send letters to my friends.
5. I can use internet all over there.
6. I like to search for the information. ​
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