Предмет: Психология, автор: zxcbananelaine

21. До якої групи за рiвнем небезпеки належать засоби побутової хімії, якими користуються при прибиранні, пранні, СРОЧНО НУЖЕН ОТВЕТ ДАЮ 70 БАЛОВ​


Автор ответа: Аноним

Засоби побутової хімії, які використовуються при прибиранні та пранні, належать до групи небезпечних речовин, оскільки містять хімічні компоненти, які можуть бути шкідливими для здоров'я людини та навколишнього середовища.

Якщо відповідь Вам допомогла та вважаєте її найкращою, не забудьте оцінити як «Найкраща відповідь» через деякий час.

zxcbananelaine: Спасибо Удачи тебе в жизни
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помогите пожалуйста
1.Найдите имена существительные во множественном числе:

girls, dogs, car, dolphin, beds, brothers.

2.Напишите единственное число имен существительных:
rains - hens –
toys - foxes –

3. Найдите глаголы:

a name, to have, can, a plane, he, to draw.
Africa, a cat, to go, green, to want, to play.

4.Найдите “лишнее” слово:

a girl, a duck, brown, a book, a pen.
a son, red, grey, little, big.
a house, to like, a dog,

5. Найдите местоимения:

pen, you, book, your, my, we, week, they, some, son.
a ball, a table

6.Напишите правильный вариант.

Nick's friend ::.. (go / goes) to school.
They ::.. (wear / will wear) their overcoats tomorrow.
It's five o'clock. She ::. ( reads / read / is reading) a book.


Read the text.

bring – brought- привозить grow – grew - выращивать, расти
expensive - дорогой сheap – дешевый

Food from around the world

We eat a lot of different kinds of food today. Before the 16 th century, people in Europe didn't have a lot of the things that we can eat and drink every day.
At the end of the 15 th century, people from Europe started to travel to other parts of the world. They went to America, Africa and Asia. They brought back a lot of new kinds of food.
Chocolate came from Mexico. The Aztecs there drank chocolate with pepper! The Spanish brought chocolate to Europe and they were first to put sugar in it. Until the 1870s, chocolate was only a drink. The Swiss made the first bar of chocolate in 1876.
Tomatoes, peppers and avocados all came from Mexico, too. The Spanish took seeds back to Spain and started to grow the plants there. Soon they spread to other countries in Europe and then to other parts of the world. The words tomato, chocolate and avocado all come from the old Aztec language.
Potatoes came from South America. Potatoes like cold, wet weather. They grew in the mountains of Peru. Coffee came from Africa. The Turks took it to Turkey and then to Europe. Tea came from China in the 17 th century. At first it was very expensive and only rich people drank it, but in the 19 th century the British started to grow tea in India. They produced a lot, so it was cheap and everybody could drink it.
1/Choose the correct answer:
People made the first bar of chocolate in
Europeans brought …………… from Mexico
peppers, tomatoes, chocolate and avocados
peppers, potatoes, chocolate and avocados
peppers, tea, chocolate and avocados
The British started to grow tea in…………
Coffee came to Turkey from………
At first only rich people drank tea, because………
a) it was not very good
b) it was cheap
c) it was expensive
2/Продолжи предложение
At the end of the fifteenth century, people……….
The Swiss made………..
The Aztecs there…………..
The Turks took it……………..
Tea came……………
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