Предмет: География, автор: Manticoree

Обери течії , що утворені потужними постійними вітрами , які дмуть в напрямку від тропічних широт до екватору



Автор ответа: Piraryky


  • Течії , що утворені потужними постійними вітрами, які дмуть в напрямку від тропічних широт до екватору:
  • -Північна пасатна
  • -Південна пасатна
  • -Канарська
  • -Перуанська
  • -Бенгельска
  • -Сомалійська.


Пасатні вітри дмуть від 30 паралелей північної та південної широти до екватора.

Це постійні вітри, які утворюють постійні течії, зазначені вище.


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Jason Firth lund just finished university when he went on a working holiday in child Company. The city is full of construction activities, they we building new headquarters on every comes. The firm weeded architects for that summer s found the opportunity highly enticing, though it w 30 the way from his found him to be hand-working, imaginative and practical, and so when offered him a permanent position. Saying yes was the best thing I could needed to be done always keeps you on the go, always trying to do better accomplishment Phr, the money is great. 11 ever decide to go back, I kno economic future. the Ovey The amours of sk ling of


Leon Alvarez had no idea how his life would change as he set off for his day from Spain to Argentina with his two best friends. All was going well until Leon's passport and other documents got stolen w a homble feeling at first. This sense of helplessness makes you feel completely lost. The muthorities du the best they could to issue a new passport, but it took a long time and Leon was told he would have to stay in the country for a couple of months. In an unexpected gesture of self-sacrifice, his two friends offered to stay with him, instead of going back to Spain and their normal lives. I turned from helpless to crazy enthusiastic We tried to make the most of this unfortunate event and decided to look for a job to help with bat living costs. We were all cooks in Spain and, fortunately, a restaurant owner took all three of us on a full-time salary. The three friends ended up enjoying learning the new cuisine and introducing elements of Spanish cooking into the menu By the time my passport was ready, we agreed we liked working together and opened our own restaurant in Buenos Aires.​
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