Предмет: Английский язык, автор: baby66089

Writing Task 3. Write a report about the holiday trip you remember. Write at least 60-70 words in 2 paragraphs. Use the prompts below: where you went what place you stayed at how long was your holiday trip how you travelled what you enjoyed doing помогите срочно​



Автор ответа: vertu3591

Hi . My name is Berdi, and here is my report for you.

Traveling is the most beautiful activity and hobby which you can do. And there are 2 types of people. The 1st type prefer to travel abroad. when the other type is prefer traveling in their own country. So I'm the 2nd type. I like traveling in my country because here we can do a lot of things and places.

So let's talk about my last journey. It was 1 year ago. I went to sea. I got there by train. I stayed at the hotel for about 1 week. It was so amazing. I swimmed, went to attractions, met new friends, and rid a boat. In the end, I went to my home by plain.

rsat935: А это правильно
bilaldzan290: спс
iljakirienko20120109: спасибо большое
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Предмет: Английский язык, автор: BANANCHICK22
Are you bored with your life? Do you feel sad that you go to school every day and then work for extra pocket money at weekends? Perhaps you just need to think more. There are many teenagers who make a lot of money with just one amazing idea. For example, Louis Barnett is now a very rich 19 year old, but he was very unhappy when he was younger. He found school work very hard because reading was difficult for him. He didn’t have any friends to help him, either. He left secondary school after only two weeks. After that, a teacher came to his home to teach him, but Louis didn’t find school work easy. One evening, Louis’s aunt asked Louis to make her a chocolate cake for her birthday. Louis made the chocolate cake on his kitchen table. When his aunty ate the cake, she said it was delicious! Then his friends and family asked him to make cakes for them. Soon Louis was making a lot of cakes and when he was 12, he started selling them. His friends and family wanted to buy his cakes and local businesses, like cake shops, cafes and restaurants also asked him to make cakes for them to sell. Soon Louis got a bit bored of making cakes and wanted learn about something new – he moved from making chocolate cake to making chocolate!
Louis found chocolate interesting. He studied it and discovered that it had palm oil inside. To get palm oil, people cut down a lot of trees and animals lose their homes. Louis didn’t want this to happen so he never used palm oil in his chocolate again. He also gives ten pence to help wild animals every time he sells a chocolate bar. Louis helps animals like elephants, tigers and lions. His chocolate bars sell in supermarkets and zoos.
Now Louis travels around the world and he talks to people about his chocolate. Last year, Louis went to Mexico and Switzerland. This year he’s going to fly to Singapore. Louis wasn’t lucky; he had a great idea. Maybe you can, too!
Louis Barnett wasn’t very (1) at school. He found (2) difficult and left secondary school after (3) weeks. Then Louis’s (4) changed – one night, his aunt (5) him to make a chocolate cake and she said that Louis’s cake was (6). After that, Louis made cakes for (7) and then started to sell them.
Louis (8) more about chocolate and (9) that palm oil did (10) things to the world and the animals that live in it. Louis (11) not to use palm oil again in his chocolate and he also (12) money to help animals like elephants tigers and bears.
1a famous or popular b happy or popular c helpful or popular
2 a listening b writing c reading
3 a three b a few c two
4 a luck b cooking c paradise
5 a offered b accepted c asked
6 a awful b delicious c terrible
7 a friends b friends, family and local businesses c friends and family
8 a learned b bought c heard
9 a chose b decided c discovered
10 a fantastic b great c terrible
11 a wanted b discovered c decided
12 a takes b brings c gives
4 Read the text again and choose the correct words.
1 The writer of the text thinks teenagers need to ...
a earn more money.
b go to school.
c think more.
2 Louis had difficulties at school because ...
a his teachers didn’t like him.
b he didn’t understand the subjects.
c reading was a problem.
3 Louis starting making cakes because ...
a it was his friend’s birthday.
b it was his aunt’s birthday.
c it was his birthday.

4 Louis stopped making cakes because ...
a he found it boring.
b it was too much work.
c he didn’t make any money.

5 The problem with palm oil was that ...
a it was difficult to get from the trees.
b people killed animals and trees to get it.
c people killed trees and damaged animals’ homes to get it.

6 Louis helps animals by ...
a giving them a place to live in the wild.
b putting them in a zoo.
c giving money from chocolate sales.

7 Louis is ...
a always at home.
b sometimes at home.
c never at home.

8 The writer thinks ...
a Louis had a bit of good luck.
b Louis travels too much.
c anyone can have a good idea.