скласти 5 пунктів плану, 5 питальних речень у Past Simpp

Plan points:
Briefly introduce James Baldwin as an American writer who spent a significant portion of his life abroad.
Mention his birth in Harlem in 1924 and his upbringing in poverty.
Early Life and Passion for Writing
Highlight James Baldwin's troubled relationship with his strict, religious father.
Emphasize his early love for writing, spending much of his time in libraries at the age of fourteen.
Transition to Preaching and Railroad Job
Discuss how Baldwin followed in his father's footsteps and became a preacher during his early years.
Mention his job with the New Jersey railroad at the age of eighteen.
Move to Greenwich Village and Meeting Richard Wright
Describe Baldwin's move to Greenwich Village and his encounter with renowned writer Richard Wright.
Highlight his freelance writing career, primarily focusing on book reviews.
Paris Years and Activism
Discuss Baldwin's decision to move to Paris in 1948 to gain distance from American society and write about it.
Mention his activism during the last ten years of his life, producing significant works of fiction, non-fiction, and poetry.
Highlight his turn to teaching as a means of connecting with the younger generation.
Question sentences:
Where was James Baldwin born?
How did James Baldwin develop a troubled relationship with his father?
What did James Baldwin do for a living at the age of eighteen?
Who did James Baldwin come into contact with in Greenwich Village?
Why did James Baldwin move to Paris in 1948?