-Make up SENTENCES! Use: watch TV, clean the room, look after my little brother, go for a walk, read magazines, to travel abroad
1. After I finished cleaning the room, I rewarded myself by watching TV.
2. My parents asked me to look after my little brother while they went out for a dinner date.
3. Let's go for a walk in the park and enjoy the beautiful weather outside.
4. I love to read magazines to stay updated on the latest fashion trends.
5. Exploring new cultures and trying different cuisines motivates me to travel abroad.
6. Before going on vacation, I always make sure to clean the room and pack my bags.
7. Whenever I feel stressed, I find solace in watching TV shows that make me laugh.
8. My younger sister enjoys reading magazines and often shares interesting articles with me.
9. While on vacation, I make it a point to go for a walk every morning to explore the local surroundings.
10. Taking the responsibility to look after my little brother helps me develop patience and nurturing skills.
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