Предмет: Английский язык, автор: tulebaevaelnaz

read sentences 1-6 work in pairs and discuss whether you think these things are already possible will be possible in the future or will never be possible. ​


Автор ответа: obamatreal


Humans will be able to live on Mars.

Is this possible already today? What obstacles could stand in the way of colonizing Mars?

What technologies are needed for humans to live on Mars in the future?

What would be the benefits and drawbacks of establishing a permanent human settlement on Mars?

Cars will be able to drive themselves completely autonomously.

Are self-driving cars already a reality? If not, what are the challenges that need to be overcome?

What benefits would autonomous cars bring, and what potential risks or downsides should be considered?

What impact could widespread adoption of self-driving cars have on society and the economy?

Artificial intelligence will be able to have emotions.

Is it currently possible for AI to have emotions, or is this still a distant goal?

What would be the implications if AI were capable of experiencing emotions? Would this make them more or less useful in various contexts?

What ethical considerations should be taken into account when developing emotionally intelligent AI?

Time travel will be possible in the future.

Is time travel a concept that could ever be realistically achieved, or is it purely science fiction?

What would be the implications of time travel? Could it cause paradoxes or have unintended consequences?

How might society change if time travel were a possibility?

Teleportation of physical objects will be possible.

Is it feasible to teleport physical objects from one location to another, or is this currently impossible?

What benefits would teleportation offer, and what downsides or risks should be considered?

How might teleportation change the way we live and work?

Humans will be able to communicate with animals through a universal language.

Is it possible for humans to develop a universal language that animals could understand, or is this unrealistic?

What benefits might be gained from being able to communicate with animals in this way? Would there be any drawbacks?

How might such a universal language be developed, and what challenges would need to be overcome?

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Пжжжжж помогите да. 80 баллов!!!
Предмет: Окружающий мир, автор: sorinvovcak03